10- part 1

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As a young child, my mother told me stories. Stories of magical places. When ever she told me these stories, I would get so wrapped up in them that I would fall asleep imagining that I was the main character in the story.
Most of the time, she told me stories of a place regarded highly in the culture of the Vikings. A place of mythology. That place was called Asgard.
Now that I think about everything she ever told me, it all rings somewhat true. She must be from Asgard to be able to know all of those things. But it mystify's me to why she never told me about her past. I'm part human and part Asgardian. I'm from between worlds.
My nerves set in the closer fright and I get to the blaring trumpeting sounds. My palms are getting sweaty and I'm jumping at every little noise. Some time while I was in my own world, frigga- or should I say, aunt frigga, wraps her skinny arms around my shoulder.
"Are you ready to meet your cousin, Thor? He has just returned from a war." She whispers in my ear.
I shrug my shoulders, scared out of my mind for nothing as I walk through the overly large gates to meet someone that I have heard of through my mother's legends.
*.  *.  *.

I'm back people 😏
~So this is just a filler for what is to come
~I plan on trying to write more this year since I have two study halls this year

See ya later

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