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Riley's P.O.V.
I woke up to constant drips of water onto my skin. I feel weak all over. My hands and feet are tied tightly with zip ties that are slightly painful.
I panic once I remember what happened.
"Don't worry, my dear," a malicious familiar voice says. "Daddy dearest won't ever be able to find you here."
I look up above me and see a drain. So that's where the water is coming from....
I can tell we are in some type of city since small towns do not have drains like this and a faint sound of traffic. Maybe I'm still in New York.
"What do you want with me?" I growl at him, while blowing a piece of my hair out of my face.
"Oh, it's not you I want, my boss wants you as a 'Leverage' to your daddy."
I couldn't stop the thought from entering my mind: Mercenary.
The man walks from the shadows and sits down on a milk crate. He sits down and starts to sharpen his knife. That's when I notice a scar running from above his eyebrow down to his chin. It runs right over his eye.
He notices my stare and narrows his eyes to slits.
"What are you staring at little girl?" He glares daggers at me but that doesn't bug me.
"What your name?" I ask curiously.
"What's it to you?" I shrug my shoulders. "Fine. Everyone calls me Scar."
I gasp in mockery "Oh my god. That is the most complex and imaginative name I ever heard. However did you come up with that?"
A small smirk crosses his face.
"Man do you take after your dad."
"Maybe I would know that if you didn't kidnap me." I mutter to myself.
"What did you say, kid?"
"Nothing. Nothing at all." I say quickly.
A cellphone rings and Scar pulls it out of his pocket.
"Yes. I have her." He pauses a few seconds for whoever he was talking to answer.
"Ok. See you tomorrow."
He clicks off the phone and turns toward me with a wicked smile. Now this has me a little worried.
"Let's get you ready to meet your new family."

Tony's P.O.V.
I didn't really think of bringing anything to Paris I only brought my suit and credit card. If I really needed any I would just buy it. I never liked Paris with it's over extravagant buildings, odd perfumes and the people are a little not right in the head.
French words fly all round me giving my head an ache. All I do is keep reminding myself that it's for Riley.
"Why isn't it Tony Stark, in the flesh." I turn around at the sound of the familiar voice.
I grin "Bruce Banner. I sure as hell didn't think I would find you in the city of pansies." He chuckles at my words and I go on. "How's the green guy doing these days?"
He sigh and leads me to the most girly section of apartments in the city: pink bricks and white iron work. A group of girls speaking yet again, more French, crowd the door way, giggling more than a baby.
"déménagement ! s'il vous plaît, Mesdames, bouger!" Bruce says towards the ladies. They obey almost instantly, that another thing I hate about the French: they are to kind and not stubborn enough.
"Uh, he has been awfully quiet since New York happened." Bruce said. His voice was somewhat happy when he said that.
"So," banner continues," let's talk about what you have been up to since then."

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