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Riley's P.O.V.
Scar is really a big ass. He led me down turns in the sewer, causing me to step in cold and dirty puddles of water. To make the situation worse, I'm barefoot and have thin pajamas.
"Keep up." Scar would mutter or growl whenever I started to lag behind.
"Maybe I would be able to if I had any shoes or warmer clothes you-" I was cut short of my mutter when a bright blue light is coming from the next turn in the pipeline.
When we turn, I am blinded momentarily from the brightness. I was somewhat right on my suspicion: it's a portal.
"What the hell is that doing down here?" I ask a little taken back from the fact that it is down here.
"Let's take a little ride." Scar sears and before I know it, he grabs my arm and pulls me into the swirling vortex.
I feel the world spinning around me giving me a head ache and motion sickness. At least if I do get sick, I can blame him, as I do with everything else.
I squeeze my eyes shut and curl my body into a little ball hoping that my headache would go away.
Suddenly I land on soft ground and slowly open my eyes. I see a woman's feet in a pair of most likely very expensive.
I look up in to the woman's softened face. She look motherly, definitely somewhat kinder than Scar.
"Oh you poor, dear. You're all dirty. Did Scar let you get this dirty?"
I nod " Ya and he had my hands in zip ties."
The woman glared at Scar who was leaning against the nearest wall.
She helps me to my feet and guides me down a bridge of sorts. The view is amazing since it overlooks a village. Up ahead is a huge place.
"Who are you, by the wat?"
I ask. The woman gives me a light smile. "My name is frigga and I am your mother's sister. Welcome to asgard."

"How is this possible?!" I question in shock. "Why did you not come and help my mother when she was dying of cancer?"
"Calm down, child." Frigga says with her hand on my back. "There is a time and place for that conversation and right now is not that time."
I look down from the small bridge we are walking on and see a sea of colorful flowers that I have never seen before.
"This place is amazing."
Frogs smiles again. "That is the garden of the gods. It is honored to my sons and husband, Oden."
I look up at her "does this mean I have magical powers like what I saw happened in New York?"
Friga nods "Sort of. That necklace you are wearing." She points to my locket. "That locket brings power out of people with the most dormant amount of magic. Soon enough you will have the little of magic in you appear."
Trumpets blare.
"Come." Friga says with another smile "The warriors have returned and Thor, God of Thunder, has returned also."

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