Beth's Journal - July, 24 2015

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As plan, Jimmy was waiting for me at 10h in the morning with coffee and bagels stuff with cream cheese.

- Good morning, hope you're hungry girl? Got these for the road.
- Thank you! I was hungry, I literally stole the bagel from his hand. Sorry, forgot to get groceries yesterday... So it's really appreciated I said the most elegant way possible with half a bagel in my mouth.

In fact, I had him grab theses by sending "brain waves". Another of my talent. This one I NEVER TALK ABOUT. In fact, I use it only for stupid things like that because it's not ok to play with people mind. And I never do it in ways that could change the person feelings. Never.

- Ready? I can't wait to see the library! When I was a kid, I wanted to be a librarian. Hard to believe? I ask.
- Yeah... I didn't pick you as the nerdy kind. Hope you get along with Miss Waters. She's a straight arrow, librarian style if you know what I means...
- Relax! To reassure you, lets me tell you a story I said.

"Once upon a time, this strange girl came to live in a enchanted city called Stowe. At first, the people didn't like the strange girls because she was so different. She was wearing black when they were wearing white. Her skin was white when theirs were dark. Then, one day, a little boy ask the strange girl: "Why are you so strange?". The strange girl replied: "Why are YOU so alike?". The little boy didn't know what answer to that. He finally said: "I guest because I never really am myself because then I'll be different, therefore strange to others." The strange girl smile to the little boy and kiss his cheeks. The people finally get that the strange girl was only strange because they were all the same! To this day, they allowed their strangeness to came out and live happily ever after. The end."

At first he didn't seems to react, and then he started to laugh so hard and suddenly stop to ask :
- Wait, are you the strange girl in this story?

Laughing too, I punch him on the shoulder and reprimand him :
- You didn't listen to the story silly! I'm not strange, I'm myself!
- Then, am I the little boy? he replied childishly.

I sigh, smiling, and look through the window for the rest of the way.


Miss Waters was indeed the stereotypic librarian with a grey suit and wearing little reading glasses. Jimmy was going for the blue prints of the house but me, I was interest in his story.

- I just bought the Black Roses Mansion and would like to know more about the house, the previous owners for example.
- Miss Black (yep, that's me), if you wanna learn about the tragedy this house is bearing, you'll have to go through the old newspapers. They are sort by years in the basement. Follow me.

All right! The basement wasn't as creepy as I like too but I love digging through history. The listing of the house mention the year of construction was 1840, so gonna start there. I found an article on the inauguration of the Bridge, Emily's Bridge that is, in 1844. But after 1 hour, Jimmy was back with the blue prints and we had to go. So I promise Miss Waters to be back later. She looked at me with a bothered look, so I give her a big bright smile!


Back to the house, I thank Jimmy for his time and the ride and the bagel. Finally alone, I fix myself a tisane because it was a cold day for July. I started shivering, so cold! And then I understood why; I wasn't alone.

In case you didn't already know, when we die, our spirit, soul, consciousness or whatever you call it, is able to stay on earth but only if he as unfinished business. I can communicate with the departed but I don't master the art of it. In fact, it scare the hell out of me!

Judging by the cold in the room, the spirit was gathering a lot of energy. It began to touch my arm, the right one, more like it was petted my arm.
I saw a cat in my mind, dark coloured.
I was trying to breathe deeply, trying to get over my fear and I gather the spirit was trying to help me too by petted my like a cat! I felt a hand go through my hair, so cold I shivered. And then it stop.

Thank god because I was feeling a panic attack coming. My hearth beat fastened, felt dizzy and hot, and couldn't breathe. I always have lavender oil for those moments. Put some on my wrists and exhale and inhale the most deeper I could. After I could control myself a little, I decide to run to the groceries store, came back and arrange the kitchen. Relaxing at home, it's was I needed, hoping to be alone for the evening...

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