{3: Lena}

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My eyes were blown wide as they traveled across her exposed skin, the black lace hugging her body in a seductive way. I was frozen, unable to remove myself from my standing position near the window.

The next second I dropped to the hardwood floor as she neared her window. My knees were tucked beneath me, my baggy pants thankfully breaking the harsh contact of my knees against the hard surface. My breath was coming out in pants and I was unaware of the tightness in my pants, my mind too focused on not being caught. After a few seconds I peered my head above the window sill, looking across the way to her adjacent window, but to my luck her curtains were shut, stopping me from creeping on her.

I hope she didn't see me...

I stood from my fallen position, standing to my full height and pushing my glasses up my nose, groaning as I felt the need in my lower region. I was hoping I could think of something else and it would just go away, but even after thinking about my grandma and my mom doing jazzercise, it was still prominent against the fabric. She wouldn't leave my mind and I did the only thing I could do, I gave into my needs.

My large hand unbuttoned my pants, pulling down the zipper in an agonizingly slow way, just imagining the thought of her small hands doing it for me. Her soft puffs of breath fanning over my neck, as she would expose my lower half, my large bulge prominent. I couldn't help but think about how good it would feel to have her palms rubbing up my length in eager movements, my còck aching against the fabric of my boxers at the thought.

I kicked my pants off, my boxers being the only thing needed to be taken off. I slipped my hands beneath the waist band, tugging the elastic off my hips, forcing them down my legs. My beast like length sprung free, precum leaking from the tip. I needed support as I leaned my right hand against the cold wall, my left hand needed for all the work. I grasped my còck in a quick movement, the harshness making this moment more pleasurable. I began to pump my length, thinking about the black lace and her body rubbing against mine, the fire inside me growing with the passing strokes.

It started to hurt, deciding to use spit to make it this process go a little faster. I couldn't stop thinking about the rough lace that would push against me, the heat from her core driving me wild as she presses herself onto me, holding my length in a tight grip. Her filthy words filling my ears, letting me know everything she wanted to do to me, her hand moving just a bit faster and her grip never loosing it's tightness.

Moans fell from my pink lips, moving my hand to the tip, jolting at the feeling, thinking of her fingertips trailing over the tip and giving it sharp swipes that gave me immense pleasure. My head fell back, her mouth kissing over my body as she pumped me in a teasing manner, acting as if she were stopping then speeding up at the last second. Just the thought of her drove me crazy and I just wish this would somehow come true. My knees soon felt weak, thankful for the wall supporting me as I have myself a few more jerks, releasing onto the wall before me. Quiet groans fell from my mouth, coming down from the intense high.

I still couldn't push her out of my mind, the dirty thoughts making me feel alive for once. Something about her made me feel bad and I wanted to feel like this more often. I needed this and I was just hoping for a change. She could possibly be this change, I thought taking some tissues from my bed side table and wiping the wall, slowly pulling my boxers up over my sensitive length, hissing as the fabric rubbed at my skin. My hand pushed my messy hair off my forehead, the dirty blonde wisps not cooperating as they fell back down. I groaned, fixing my large framed glasses and walked to the bathroom to shower.

After cooling down in the shower, I began to settle down for the evening with a nice book in hand. My mind couldn't help but change the characters up a bit, choosing myself as the main boy and my neighbor as the main girl. The book became even more exciting, acting as if this book was written just for us two. I soon sighed, laying the book across my face in annoyance with myself, the old smell of the book almost comforting me in a suffocating way. I pulled it away, shocked as I read the time on my bedside clock. It read 9:30 pm.

I always get lost in a book for hours, it's a simple task that comes easy to me. I removed my glasses, rubbing at my tired, blue eyes and laying flat on my large bed in thought about senior year. I was excited for school tomorrow, don't get me wrong, but it was the learning that got me excited not the familiar faces that bullied me since freshman year. I don't think I've ever had the courage to fight back, always hiding from those who scared me, but I feel a bit more confident this year. I wanted to be a different person.

As I was in the middle of my deep thoughts about school, movement from next door caught my eye. I shot up from bed, fumbling to put my glasses back on and looked over to find a figure crawling up the side of the lattice work that lined the side of their house. I squinted my eyes to make out who it was and soon became aware that it was the girl. Her body was covered in a small pair of shorts, giving me a nice view that I wasn't complaining about and to top it off she wore a fitted t-shirt that showed her figure. My eyes bulged out of their sockets when her foot slipped and she almost fell.

Without even realizing what I was doing, my feet had carried me over to my window and I had slid the window up, poking my head out. You brave little shít.

"hey are you okay?" I whisper yelled, not wanting to draw too much attention. She flinched, holding onto the wood and turning her head to face me. The light from my room exposed all of her features which made me almost made me gasp in awe at her beauty. She grinned, looking my body over.

"I am now." She smirked, climbing all the way up to her window, which wasn't too far away. After safely making it into her room she leaned out the window sill, just as I did.

"I'm Lena." She smiled, making me shy at her openness. "And you are?" She pressed.

"Niall." I quietly spoke, looking away from her and fiddling with my glasses. After a few moments of silence and her intense stare on me, she finally spoke.

"You're hot." She whispered, giving me a wink and closing her window, leaving me shocked.

Nerdy Niall is just too much for me to handle
Sorry for the longggggg wait haha I hope yall enjoyed ;)
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