{6:Surprises from the windowsill}

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The first week of school had flown by. Lena never really left my side, choosing to walk with me to every class we shared and she always knew how to start and end a conversation as we stood next to our lockers. I appreciated her friendship, at least that's how it seemed. I didn't think she was being deceiving or only choosing to be my friend to play me, oh no she was nothing of that sort. I found happiness everywhere she was and I couldn't help but be thankful that this year was going to be different, all because of her.

My feet kicked back and forth from my seated position on a bar stool, casually hitting the wood of the island in the center of my kitchen once in awhile. My mom had made breakfast for me before she had to leave for work, the cold bacon and eggs not seeming appetizing. I was in a good mood, finding out that my father didn't need to work at the hospital today. I waited for him while he dressed in his room, hoping to throw the baseball around in the yard with him, only because I didn't feel like working out today.

He soon appeared in the kitchen doorway, smiling as he saw me. His body adorned his usual weekend clothing, which means working out. He was a freak for staying fit and healthy, sometimes getting up before work to lift some weights. I found it exhausting just thinking about it.

"Morning." He greeted, opening the fridge in search of something that probably wasn't there.

"Can we throw the ball around today?" I questioned softly, fixing the cap that covered my blonde hair.

"We haven't done that in such a long time." He laughed, knocking some things over on the fridge shelves. "So why the hell not."

I let out a quiet sigh of relief, slipping off the stool and ran up to my room in search of both gloves and the ball. I found my dad waiting in the front yard, tying his running shoes.

"I really need to mow the grass, it's starting to become a jungle." He joked, standing up and walking to me, taking a glove from my hand. I never really had any social skills when I was around my parents or anyone for that matter, so my dad was used to my silent responses. He also grabbed onto the ball as I still held my own glove.

He started challenging me as he threw the ball farther and at weird angles, choosing to do the same back. The weather was quite warm, causing me to release myself from the confines of my t-shirt and continued on with the game. A ringing sound stopped the bonding between my dad and I and I soon realized it was his phone. He put the ball in the crook of his arm and took the phone from his pocket, his expression turning apologetic as he answered the call.

I caught bits and pieces of the conversation, already knowing that my dad needs to go back to work. I'm not mad that he's leaving me to possibly save someone's life, but it hurts because sometimes I want to be his number one priority and I'm just thrown on the back burner. My dad apologized, clapping me on the back, handing me his glove and ball, and his figure rushed inside to get ready.

A long, over exaggerated sigh fell from my mouth as I threw the ball up in the air. I soon felt an strange feeling as if someone were to be watching me at this moment. My head lifted and searched all around me and I couldn't find where the feeling could be coming from, so I just ignored it and went on my merry way.

After laying in the grass for a bit and watching my dad back out of the driveway, another sigh escaped my mouth mixed with a heavy groan. I chose to pick my sorry self up and make myself feel better with a nice shower. I slung my shirt over my shoulder and made my way inside, baseball and glove in hand.

The refreshing water rolled down my naked body, cooling me off  from the physical activity I took part in this morning. I twisted the knob, stopping the water and grabbed a towel, rubbing it through my drenched hair and then tying it low around my waist. My hand combed its way through my dirty blonde locks of hair, making my hair stick up in almost every direction. My feet padded into my bedroom, making my way towards my dresser in search of clothes. I could feel a nice breeze coming in from my slightly cracked window, taking in the scent of fresh air as I bent down to rustle through my clothing.

Moments later a quiet 'damn' was heard from the other side of my room, which startled the living day lights out of me. I quickly stood up, spinning around to find Lena hanging halfway in my room as she leaned across the window sill, her eyes slightly wide but a confident aura surrounding her. She tried pulling herself through, but her body jolted back a little and she squealed as she lost her footing. I rushed to her aid, grabbing her arms and pulling her through, her figure coming inside my room and landing on her knees in front of me. I was speechless.

Lena looked up at me, making me nervously scratch the back of my head as her face came eye level to my private area. I reached my hand down to help her stand to her feet, something in her hand stopping me from fully grabbing one of her hands.

"Goddamn Niall you didn't tell me you were this fit." She teased, grabbing onto my muscular bicep. I was frozen in place, finding this awkward while lena's thoughts on this whole encounter completely contradicting my own.

"Um..l-lena what are y-you doing here?" I stuttered out, kindly sliding her grabby hands from my arm. She just smiled, making her way to my bed and flopping onto the mattress. Shít I want to see that sight everyday.

"Just came to say hi and I was bored so why not chill with my friend." She calmly spoke, using a word I was gladdened and saddened by, as she traced her fingertips across my comforter. Jesus Christ. "Oh and you forgot this." She held my dads baseball glove in her grasp, making me instantly realize she was the reason why I felt someone watching me.

"Oh..um thanks..I'm just going to get dressed, um wait here." I stuttered out in my nervous state, reaching for a random pair of clothing and sped walked to my bathroom, feeling her stare across my backside. I shut the door and leaned my back against the cold wood. My heart was pounding and I couldn't help but breathe a little heavier than normal. I keep finding myself in awkward situations, but Lena didn't seem to care.

After throwing my baggy clothes over my body, I threw my wet towel in the dirty clothes basket and emerged slowly from the bathroom. Lena was now sat at my desk, one of my books laying in her small hands, the huge pile of books that I collected overtime sitting near her. She was flipping through the pages, slightly reading words that fell across each piece of paper, a quaint smile across her features.

She noticed my presence and looked over to observe me. She smiled a little wider, a small shake of her head followed as she stared at my body. I felt slightly insecure, never having the eyes of a female look at me in such a way. I walked over to my beside table, picking up my glasses and sliding them onto my face. I turned back to see her eyes still on me as I seated myself on my bed.

"Can I ask you a question?" She spoke, waiting for me to respond.

"I believe you just did." I answered, a chuckle falling from her mouth and she stared at me with an odd look.

"Why do you always hide yourself in such large clothing, I mean you're a very attractive guy, so why cover it up?" She questioned, catching me off guard with something I never thought anyone would notice about me, something I never really noticed about myself.

"Why do you ask?" I stammered, looking down at my comforter in slight embarrassment.

"Just tell me." She pushed, wanting me to give her an answer.

"Cause..I-I don't want to be noticed by anyone." I finally spoke, telling her something I never actually told anyone before, but it's not like anyone ever asked.

Lena stared at me with an intense look, thinking about what she was going to say next after my small confession. She looked slightly sympathetic, but all the more determined to make a point.

"But you let me notice you, Niall. How come?" She questioned even further, making my shy self want to crawl in a hole and never enter civilization ever again. I was at loss for words at this point, knowing exactly what I wanted to tell her, but not knowing exactly how to say it out loud. After a few moments I decided to get it over with.

I lifted my head and stared into her eyes, taking a deep breath and spoke the words exactly how they played in my head,

"I wanted you to notice me.... y-you seemed different than everyone else."

Hope y'all enjoy this beast like update!
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