{12:Kiss me now finger me later}

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It's been a few weeks since Lena has shown me the basics of being a daddy. We've only gone through the process of dominating and using my words and I definitely feel more confident when I'm around her, which is a lot since she chooses to hang out with me whenever we have free time. When we do spend time with one another it's not always filled with kissing and groping, I've learned that she's actually very intellectual and I can't pass up on someone who can hold an intelligent conversation with me.

She's mentioned how I hold myself differently now, as if I'm not as afraid of just people in general and I'm not afraid of myself mainly. And when I say not being afraid of myself, I mean that I'm not trying to hide anymore and tell myself that books are my only escape or that i can be someone I never knew I wanted to be until I met Lena.

Being with her just seems so natural now and it scares me when I think too hard about it. Just a few weeks ago I was entirely a different person, someone who couldn't even speak to a girl, let alone speak to anyone for that matter and I was so unaware of what it felt to be liked by someone, even if Lena and I are just friends, it feels so fúcking good to be liked.

On the other hand, I like her so much, it hurts to hide my feelings cause I never was one to express my emotions to anyone, only because I feared what the results would be. I'm gonna hold my tongue for now about this issue unless she gives me a sure sign her feelings are reciprocated. I'm choosing to focus on the whole sexual experience, wanting to continue this without tripping over my own feelings throughout this process.

I had been thinking for awhile now if I should ask Lena to advance my training, considering she was taking baby steps with me. I didn't mind because I get overwhelmed by this kind of stuff but I want to be one to possibly request it before she takes action.

"Niall..." Lena whispered, planting small kisses along my neck, breaking me from my trance, my eyes focusing in on her face that was only a few inches from mine. She was sitting next to me on my bed, an English assignment sitting before us but we were both distracted by something, both distractions seeming to be different for the both of us, mine being in my head and Lena's was sitting next to her.

"What?" I cleared my throat with a slight gulp following, her soft lips still meeting my skin making me feel some type of way.

"You zoned out for a bit while I was explaining the instructions for the assignment. What's on your mind?" Her tone of voice was gentle and she was curiously awaiting me to speak, as she stopped her innocent assault upon my neck.

"Ah it's nothing." I sat up a little more straight, picking up my pencil that was hidden in the crease of my blue bed sheets, averting my eyes to the piece of paper before me. I was too afraid to ask her, or in her words demand it from her because thats exactly how I would've had to address my wants to Lena. I could feel her stare on the side of my face, about to push me to answer her properly but I guess she decided to let me be.

"Okay" She left it at that and we started on our assignment but halfway through as I was nearing the ending of my introduction paragraph about school lunches, Lena stopped writing and stretched out on my bed, her feet near my headboard, her head at the other end with her back to the edge of the mattress and her hand folded behind her head so she could look up at me.

"Would you like to come to a party with me on Friday?" She questioned with a serious face, not giving much detail so I knew I was in need of a few answers from her before I can agree. I gave her a side glance, my lips pursed and my eye brow slightly raised.

"Who's party?"

She mumbled something incoherent as she faced down to pull at a small piece of thread coming out of my comforter. I made her repeat it and finally realized why she was somewhat reluctant to enlighten me with the host of the party when she said it a little louder. "Tony's party"

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