{4:Odd first day of school}

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The harsh ringing of my alarm clock woke me from my deep slumber, causing my body to jolt awake to smash my hand against it and fall back into bed with a huff. A piece of the sunrise was shining into my room, a small strip of light making its way from the window sill and into my eyes. Another groan fell from my mouth and I soon got up, putting my glasses on and continued with my routine for school.

Senior year. The moment I've been waiting for. I've always wanted to be the top dog of the school, although I was considered lower than everyone. I just told myself to ignore those who didn't take the time to get to know me, they didn't matter. This small pep talk in my head allowed me to feel more confident about today. I had a feeling today would be good, maybe even great.

My mom had driven me to place that some might find comforting and for others a metaphorical hell. I never found it either of those things, my opinion on school staying constant and in between those labels. It occurred to me that as I walked into school, the aura was different. It was light and happy and I was counting on this feeling to stay throughout the day.

My blue eyes, hidden behind my thick framed glasses, peered around the crowded school hallways, noticing the different grades. The freshmen carrying all their books within their bags and hiding in the corners with wide eyes. I snickered at the sight, continuing to analyze the hallways. The sophomores just being cool and not bothering anything at all. The juniors being the trouble they are as they acted mighty against the seniors. Last but not least the seniors, my eyes soon falling upon tony and his crew laughing at a small freshman trying to carry his heavy book bag. I felt bad for the kid, watching as they terrorized him, knowing exactly how he feels.

Without gaining any attention, I made my way to my locker and obtained the necessary books. Suddenly my locker was harshly shut almost smashing my hand in the metal. My frightened body looked to my right to find..Lena.

"Hey Niall." She beamed, moving her eyes over my appearance and nodding in a discreet way that confused me. I must've looked like a deer in the headlights because she just started chuckling as I stood before her, my books still clutched tightly in my arms.

"Uh..h-hi." I shakily sputtered out, swallowing to ease my dry throat. She continued to stare at me with a glint in her eyes.

"Looks like we are locker buddies." She cheered, twisting the combination on the locker next to mine and opening it up. This allowed me to take a look at her body and this was a big mistake, considering the eyes that watched me do so.

"Horan! What are you doing checking out her àss!" Shouted the revolting voice from across the hall. My heart sped and I didn't dare to look up, continuing to stare at the dirty tile floor. I could see Lena turn around to see where the voice came from. Then harsh footsteps stopped near our figures.

"Hey baby is this guy bothering you?" Tony's sickening voice cooed towards Lena as he tried to reach forward for her. I was shocked by what happened next, my eyes peering up at the moment taking place.

"The only guy bothering me right now is you, you fùcking pig!" She spit at him and smacked his hand away, slamming her locker in the process and pulling me by the arm to follow her. She was mumbling things beneath her breath that I knew well enough to know it was profanities, as she dragged me through the hall. I was honestly in so much shock but snapped out of it when we stopped in front of the girls bathroom.

"Uh I can't- I can't go in there." My small voice spoke and she immediately turned around.

"Right right I'm sorry, just... Wait here." Then she disappeared into the bathroom.

"What the fùck." I breathed out, leaning on the opposite wall of the bathroom. Today has been weird so far, but I wasn't going to complain because I was with her of all people.

"I can't fùcking believe I get treated like shít the first day." She ranted as soon as she emerged from the door, her hand running through her hair as she adjusted her bag. I just watched as she stood there frustrated and it was only the beginning of the school day. Suddenly the bell rang and she looked up towards me and she reached for my hand and pulled me down the halls. I don't know what was wrong with me but I was turning into a rag doll for this girl.

"What class do you have?" She reached for my perfectly flat schedule and crumpled it within her small hands as she read over my classes. I cringed at the sight of the crispness being destroyed, but I didn't say anything.

"English! Perfect!" She continued to pull me along with her, searching for the class that I already knew where to go, but I was scared to talk.

"You don't talk much do you?" She smiled up at me as we walked upon the English room, but I didn't have a chance to say anything because we soon entered through the door. I chose to sit in the back like I always do and Lena followed me. I knew I wouldn't have to speak because Mr. Green never noticed me. As the second bell had rung a person stepped into the room looking nothing like Mr. Green.

The woman was formal looking with an intense stare and way too much lipstick. She set all of her belongings down on the desk and stood before us, the surprising thing was that everyone was dead silent. She stared at everyone until she spoke.

"I'm Mrs. Hamlet and no my favorite choice of literature is not hamlet." She addressed with a soft voice that held lots of intimidation. I laughed a little in my head at the words she chose to speak first, knowing that the students in my grade would've asked. "I am your new English teacher and I have a seating chart for you lot."

She pulled a paper from her desk and started reading the names off the list and pointing to the seats. You could hear quiet groans as everyone got up and became aware of where they would be seated. With just my luck I was seated up in the front and I instantly became annoyed with Mrs. Hamlet. I looked over my shoulder to find Lena and found that she sat diagonal on my left. She noticed me and gave me a smirk which didn't help with my nerves.

"Okay class you were assigned a summer assignment. Please turn it in and we will have a small discussion on what you read." She retrieved the papers from the front row students and placed them into a pile upon her desk, leaning against the front.

"What seemed to be your favorite or least favorite part of The Great Gatsby?" No one raised their hands and I shrunk further into my seat to stay unnoticed. A few moments had passed until she spoke again.

"Mr. Horan your opinion please."  And all eyes could be felt on me.

Oh no Niall has to speak in class!
Thoughts on the characters so far?

The Great Gatsby is probably one of the most used books in fanfiction but it's required for most high schools to read anyway so yeah that's why I'm using it.
Also the way I imagine Niall in this fic is what he looks like right now but he wears his fetus clothes, I hope that helps.

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