{20:Her side of the story}

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I had already been aware of the phone call that was made to my parents, but I didn't expect both of them to be the first thing I encountered as soon as I walked through the front door. I tried to deter my eye contact from theirs as I planned to run past them though that didn't exactly work out, my dad roughly taking ahold of my arm and pulling me in front of them.

"Niall?" My mothers quiet voice broke the silence, though I could detect she was about to break. I kept my head down as I stood before them, tears pricking my own eyes. "Look up please" Her voice quivered. I did as I was told, my dried up wound on display. My mother just stood there with slight shock at the blood on my face as my dad had an emotionless look.

"Why would you pick a fight?" My father spoke in a slightly harsh yet tired tone, his arms crossed as he stared down at me. "I do realize it was because of Tony, but I thought we raised you right." His words struck me in more ways than one, igniting anger inside of me. I ignored his question and fired back at the phrase he had just conjured up and spit out at me.

"Raised me right? You were never home to 'raise me', you're never around me now to understand how much it actually hurts, you're selfish and I'm the result, a lonely, miserable human who only wants to be loved, to have quality time with my family," I ripped my arm from his grasp," And if anything Mom was the one who took the time to raise me for your information." I huffed giving my mom a glance before making my way towards the stairs as my father tried shouting at me to come back down, but my feet would not stop, salty tears falling with every step.

I collapsed my sorry self onto my bed, not even caring about the dried blood on my face as well as dried paths of tears across my cheeks. I just needed to escape this world for just a bit, so I decided a nap was in order. The softness of my bed lulled me into a rapid sleep that was much needed. With a jolt I awoke from my dream filled nap, my heart was heavy in my chest and the events of my dream came rushing into my head. It gave me an idea.

My feet carried me down the stairs and out the front door, across the lawn and on the front porch of Lena's house. I took a deep breath, my hand reaching for the doorbell as I awaited the opening of the door. My heart stopped when Lena was revealed moments later, she looked frozen as well, her focus landing on my bloodied eyebrow then back down to my eyes. "Niall..." She spoke breathlessly.

"We need to talk" I spoke with a clear voice, watching as Lena nodded and allowed me inside. We made our way into her room, her usual rambunctious self was long gone for right now and replaced with a somber Lena. I just wished to see her smile. I stood as she sat on the crisp sheets of her bed, her saddened eyes peering up into mine, silence filling the space around us.

"I saw you that night..."

She soon looked confused as I began to speak," What night?"

"The night you said you cared about me... then right after I saw you getting touched by another guy." I spoke with anger towards the end, my hands flying around in a mad state. Color drained from her face as she realized exactly what I was speaking about.

"Is that why you've ignored me?" She questioned, her voice small. My heart seems to break for the hundredth time.

"I'm guessing it's true then?" I asked completely ignoring her question and replying with my own, desperate for her to say no.

"Look Niall I don't know what you saw or what you've heard about me, but I need you to just trust me on this and let me explain everything. Please that's all I'm asking. Just hear me out." She pleaded, her voice cracking as a tear slipped down her face. "Please"

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