{14:Rumor has it}

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No don't believe him.

He's just lying.

How would he know such things though?

My head was swirling with unexpected words that left Tony's mouth, as I made my way out of the crowded school, heading for my bike. He was saying things about Lena that made me sick to my stomach and question everything. I still remember how it all occurred, though I didn't want to remember it so well, just the thought making me feel anxious and queasy. 

We had been in math class, his usual spot being diagonal to my left side, one of his gross minions sitting directly behind me while minion number two sat behind the first one. Our teacher had given out classwork, allowing us to work together if we wanted to (which I preferred being alone) and as usual Tony never shut his mouth, but this time I found myself listening in on what he had to say.

"-yeah she had sèx with tons of guys in her old town, she was a sèx maniac apparently" I tried to write at the same time, listening to each word and I was confused at first, thinking he was just talking about some slùt he knows as he continued with, "Even cheated on her last boyfriend" but before I relinquished my snooping, a name had come out of minion number ones mouth and my heart had almost stopped in that moment.

"Lena a cheater? And a sèx maniac? I don't believe it" he laughed, the desk he sat in practically shaking. "Gonna have to get me some of her"

"Hell me too" shouted minion number two, almost sounding like a groan. My blood was boiling at this point but I also was puzzled by what Tony had said. How the Fùck does he know this? I hadn't been trying to be discreet I noticed and my anger wasn't helping, the pressure of my fisted hand making the lead snap off my mechanical pencil. A quiet 'shít' was whispered from me as I reloaded my pencil and went back to fake writing.

"As I was saying" Tony spoke interrupting the fight between the minions about who would get with Lena first. My mind turned cocky for a minute, telling them silently they have no chance and I've already gotten with her, though I was still filled with displeasure.

His voice then directed itself my way, making me feel self conscious because I knew he wanted me to hear so I went back to writing down my math work, in hopes that he wouldn't talk to me. "She's a kinky girl too, spanking and shít like that, likes to be called baby girl"

I was to the point where I wanted to shut my ears and curl into a ball in my room but I also wanted to punch him square in the face as usual for saying such things. He had no fùcking right to do so and I know he's just trying to force a reaction out of me.

I felt so protective over her and I couldn't stand hearing Tony talking about her various kinky interests even if they were true, some questionable, like the baby girl thing. But how the fùck does he know? she's only done this with me, or at least that's what she has made me believe.

"how do you know that?" His minions said exactly at the same time, lowkey high fiving each other for their accomplishment, the slap being heard but they soon quieted down to listen. I wanted to rip my hair out at the anticipation of his answer because I was curious as well but for a whole different reason.

"I have my ways" he laughed in his usual evil way.  "I heard she was getting it on the dance floor at my party on Friday as well, I even caught her in bed with this guy"

My face heated up at the fact that he remembered seeing us in his room that night, but also that someone had seem us close on the dance floor made me realize I wasn't as invisible as I had hoped. Sure I was friends with Lena, but that didn't mean anything because even though I've changed my clothing, my sexual behaviors, and I've gained a friend, I'm still the same nerdy and lonely guy just with a slight bit of confidence and that's only when she is with me.

I was getting tired of the constant talk about Lena, my focus being strayed away from my math work and this was unacceptable, I just needed to know the truth. And with a small amount of hope, I wanted the truth to be far from what Tony had blabbered about. Though I couldn't get my hopes up.

So here I was, walking away from my school, in route to the bike stand. I tried to shake my worries to the back of my mind, not wanting to focus too much on the situation, but I knew I would never stop thinking about it. I have a habit of dwelling on certain things in my life and sometimes I can't stop myself from keeping those things in mind 24/7, Lena being one of those things.

I had just gotten home, trudging my way upstairs with a weighted mind and anxious stomach. Throwing my bag and books onto my desk with a slam, I turned and walked a few steps until I face planted onto my plush comforter, bouncing with my impact and continued to lay there for awhile just in thought.

What felt like only a few minutes was actually an hour or so and I unconsciously fell asleep with a lot running through my mind. I had been woken up by a weight felt on my back, making me feel almost trapped, until hands ran up and down my spine, lightly massaging as they traveled over me. I soon felt much calmer, knowing it was the girl I've been meaning to talk to.

"H-hey" I groaned out, my voice cracking as it does in the morning when I wake up. I slowly maneuvered my body so she was sitting on my lower abdomen, her hands still rubbing over me.

"Hey" she quietly whispered back with a smile, staring straight into my eyes, her hands stopping their relaxing movements. She slowly leaned down, her soft lips brushing across mine before completely molding them together, my head tilting up to catch her lips at the perfect angle. Our breathing combined, my hands taking hold of her hips as she laid her body onto mine, her fingers threading through my hair, gingerly pulling, but it still caused me to moan at the feeling.

I slipped my tongue into her mouth, our lips colliding more intensely than before. Her back was met by my hands, rubbing my palms into the dips of her back, grabbing at her hips once more.

Tony's words crept into my mind once again and I somewhat froze, replaying it all in my head. I slowed my movements, not in the mood to kiss anymore and Lena could tell as she detached her swollen lips from my own with a confused expression upon her face.

"What's wrong?" She questioned, regaining her breath as she looked down at me in my troubled state.

"You wouldn't lie to me right? If I ever questioned you about the truth"

Real smooth you idiot.

"Niall, what the hell. Of course I wouldn't lie to you" She looked distraught and maybe something else I couldn't detect at this moment.


"Why, what do you need to question me about?" Her own question, made me almost freeze because I wasn't sure if I was ready to ask her just yet. So I chickened out and blew off my odd inquiry.

"Nothing, I was just curious"

Tony is such a little bítch, god I hate him
What do y'all think is gonna happen next? Is Tony a liar?

[Any smut requests?]

Hope y'all enjoyed and please vote and comment if you'd like!

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