{7:Dinner invitation}

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Monday morning came faster than I had hoped it would. My usual school routine proceeded in its normal order except for my constant wandering eyes that traveled across the way to lena's window. Her curtains were wide open and exposed her dimly lit room with small twinkling lights that hung over her door frame.

Our encounter from Saturday was still fresh in my mind giving me a slight pang of nervousness to speak to her today or even see her for that matter. I still remember every little detail of our conversation and how she spoke and acted around me after the words I had spoken. The dreaded words I let slip out of my mouth all came rushing back into mind, making me proud of myself actually.

"I wanted you to notice me.... y-you seemed different than everyone else."

Lena seemed to slightly lose composure over herself once I spoke, her hand released the book and the pages blew open, making a small thud against the floor. She rushed to pick it up, organizing the pages and simply placing it back on the stack of my endless book collection. No eye contact was made, her eyes focusing on something else for a bit until she looked at me, almost hesitant.

"Niall you're such a charming, pure guy, possibly the only guy I've ever met with such qualities ...don't let anyone take that away from you." Then as she spoke the last word, her body arose from the chair and she made her way to the window sill. "See you later." And with that she escaped the confines of my room, leaving me in confused thought.

Her words never left my train of thought since Saturday, the mystery behind them puzzling me to no extent and I couldn't help but over analyze how she had reacted. Maybe I should just leave it alone for now, maybe she felt uncomfortable with my confession. I'm only hoping I hadn't scared her away.

The dark, early morning sky made me want to fall back in bed and wake up at a later time that didn't cause my body to whine about the lack of sleep all day long. As I slid on my second sock on my right foot, a light illuminated lena's room and my heart sped. The view through my large framed glasses allowed for me to get glimpse of her as she moved about her bedroom, then suddenly her curtains were shut and her silhouette remained for me to enjoy. I sat still for a bit, watching her do her morning routine, then I knew I was being a borderline stalker after awhile, choosing to look away and finish getting ready for school.

I found myself dreading going to school today, not even wanting to go to learn. How strange of me. I carried my gloomy self downstairs, school bag upon my right shoulder as I took one step at a time. I found my mother cooking breakfast in the kitchen, homemade cinnamon rolls on the menu for today. I'm very fortunate to have a chef for a mother, a smug grin sat on my lips, knowing that punk Tony wasn't eating homemade cinnamon rolls right now. After finishing up, my mother grabbed ahold of her keys and we made our way to school.

"Honey I was thinking that maybe you should get a bike and ride it to school instead of me always driving you, what do you think?" My mother suggested, her excitement clearly showing and for me no excitement at all.

"A bike?"

"Yes! I used to travel to school by bike and I enjoyed being out in the fresh air." Her grin grew even more. "You could use some sun, vitamin D is important."

"Can I just get a car, maybe?"

"Absolutely not young man! You need to take on a responsibility of a job before owning a car because I'm certainly not taking on the car payments."

I huffed and my annoyance was clearly visible, but my mother always got her way and I really didn't want a job to take up most of my time, at least for right now. So I agreed to her lame idea and she gushed with happiness, practically yelling that we will go get a bike after school.

Walking into school made me feel horrible about today and I wasn't sure why. It wasn't the greasy floors or the cracked walls or the cheesy banners that lined the brick. And then it hit me as I saw the girl I've grown a tiny crush on over such a short amount of time talking to him. Fùcking why. Fùcking Tony.

I didn't notice the speeding of my breath or the tight clench of my fist, my only thoughts were of him talking to her, tricking her into being his next fling. My intense glare was focused on him and I could see him moving closer to her, trying to reach his hand to place on her arm, but she said something really quick and turned away from him, moving towards her locker. Thank God.

Currently I was still by the school doors, slightly being pushed by rowdy students flooding inside, worried they'd be late. I stalked my way closer to Lena, being that her locker was next to mine and I was hoping she would acknowledge me. I wasn't the one to make the first approach, ever.  As I neared, Lena looked up from frantically shoving books inside her bag to give me a beautiful grin, that slightly made my heart flutter. Calm yourself Horan.

"Hey Irish boy!" She excitedly spoke, zipping her bag up and slamming her locker shut at the same time I opened mine. I shyly grinned, moving my glasses in place and searching for the right books.

"Hey Lena."

"Do you like spaghetti?" She oddly questioned, tapping her trimmed nails on the metal lockers.

"Um yeah, why do you ask?"

"Becauseee I wanted to know if you would like to eat dinner at my house tonight?" A hopeful look shined in her eyes. I was shockingly stable on the outside once she asked the question but my insides were doing flips like they were performing in a circus. 

"I kinda have this thing I uh..have to do after school with my mom, but sure I would..uh love to attend." God I get so nervous. I was sorta embarrassed to tell her I was going shopping for a bike with my mom, but I'm sure I'll get over it, hopefully. But shít I'm going to her house. And shít I need to inform my mom. I'm frightened to see my mothers reaction, knowing she will be psychotic when she finds out I actually made a friend and more importantly that she's a girl.

Any guesses on what may happen at lena's house?
Hope you enjoyed, next chapter will probably be longer cause I've got it all planned out!
Thanks for reading,
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