chapter six

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It was an unusually long amount of time since Ella had left. I made the decision of going to her bedroom to see as to why she had taken so long.

I jogged up the stairs, advancing down a hallway until I peeked my head into a room. I discerned Ella sitting on the edge of her bed near her nightstand, legs lazily slung over the side as she spoke into the phone.

"Wait, what do you mean she's sick?" she abruptly questioned.

There was an absence of sound while she waited for the person to reply.

After a few moments, she sucked in a trembling breath, exhaling deeply. She let out a whimper, the beginning of a cry, which soon transformed into a deep sob. The sound sent daggers into my stomach.

"Oh, my god," she breathed, her hand raising to cover her mouth, muffling her weeping. I wasn't sure what to do in the situation; if I should comfort her or if I should wait until she was ready to inform me of what was going on herself. I stood awkwardly, peering around the doorway, uncertain of my later actions.

"I'm coming home, Austin," she sighed.

Austin? I silently wondered who the person was, and what they had said or done to trouble her.

"Bye." She brought the phone from her ear, ending the call and tossing it to land on the area of the bed behind her. Her lips set in a straight line, quivering as she attempted to stifle a becoming sorrow. She gave in, noiseless moans erupting as she buried her face in her petite hands. She drew in quick breaths, making an effort to compose herself. After somewhat succeeding in doing so, she hastily rose from the bed, seeming prepared to confront me. Her task to approach me hit her sooner than she anticipated based on her suprised aspect when she was aware of my presence in the doorway.

"I..." I began, but never completed my sentence. I formulated words that would be appropriate. "You didn't come down after a while, and I got worried, so I just - "

"I don't even care what you heard and what you know. I just need a hug," she stated, refusing the tears that threatened to spill. Her amber eyes begged for abundance as she stared at me. I voluntarily spread my arms for her to fit into.

I rushed into Harry's offering arms, his limbs warmly encircling my body. I nuzzled into the cusp of his neck, my head comfortably resting on his shoulder. I no longer rejected the lament that had washed over me; droplets that escaped from my eyes streaming down my cheeks at a fast pace. I bawled into him, his skin moistening. He soothingly stroked my hair, venturing sympathy.

"It's okay," he appeased. I calmed my mourning long enough for me to form coherent sentences.

"My mom's sick," I mumbled. "Her cancer is back. She's in the hospital, and they can't do anything about it this time." My vision blurred, tears arranging in my eyes as I continued. "And I don't know what I'm gonna do without her, Harry, I really don't." I began sobbing once again.

"I'm sorry, Ella, I really am," he said, planting a kiss in my hair. "No matter what, I'm here. For whatever."

I sniffled, easing my woe as I pulled away. "Thanks," I weakly smiled.

His thumb breifly caressed my cheek, brushing away a falling tear. "You're welcome."

"You smell good, by the way," I nonchalantly informed him.

"Thanks," he chuckled.

There was limited reticence when Harry discoursed a question. "So you're going home?"

There was bit of dissapointment in his voice.

"Yeah, I have to," I nodded. "I have to go support my brother, and my mom, and the rest of my family. They'd want me there."

He looked intently at the ground, his feet becoming of interest.

"Don't worry, I'll be back. You'll still get some," I joked.

His eyes ascended to me, emitting a quiet scoff.

"I better start packing," I sighed, scanning the room for what I was planning to bring with me.

"What if I come with you?" he blurted out.

I ceased my actions, bestowing a confused expression. "What?"

"I know it's sudden, but I'd like to come with you," he said enthusiastically. "Just to be there for you."

I huffed, a soft smile forming in reaction to his adherent demeanor. "You lied to me."

He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "About what?"

"You're not a complete asshole. You actually have some sensitivity."

"Ha ha," he said sarcastically.

"Seriously, Harry, I really don't think it's a good idea."

"Why not?" he asked, determination evident.

I sighed, contemplating a possible issue. "Well, there's the plane ticket - "

"I'll pay for the ticket myself," he retorted. "And yours if I have to."

"I don't want you to feel out of place."

"That's what I have you for," he grinned.

"Do you really want to come with me?" I questioned, hesitance in my tone.

"If I didn't, I would have let you go by yourself."

I shook my head, a beam of happiness faintly appearing on my face.

"You're glad that I'm going, aren't you?" he grimaced.

"Don't push it," I warned.

He simply laughed and pulled me into an earnest hug.

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