chapter forty one

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"So, Harry," Elise begins after taking a long sip of tea. "How've you been? What are you up to?"

I shook my head, shrugging nonchalantly. "Nothing worth mentioning, really."

After inviting me in, Elise had offered we sit and do some catching up over tea. She hadn't seen me since I was about nine years old, when my mother and her knew one another well enough finish each other's sentences, so obviously I agreed.

"Oh, rubbish!"

I chuckled at her candid attitude. "You haven't changed."

"Which is the least I can say for you! You've grown up so well."

"Thank you," I grinned responsively.

"Harry," she droned, tilting her head as she shifted herself in her chair across from me. "What's really going on?"

"Well," I sighed, attention shifting to my folded hands rested on my lap. "I was in the neighborhood, and I knew you lived here last time I saw you, and..." My gaze flickered to her, her expression deeming interest. "I just needed someone to...I don't know."

"Sweetheart, you know that you can talk to me," she genuinely conveyed.

I inhaled profoundly through my nose, remaining silent for a few moments as she continued gaping at me expectantly. I began pouring out my heart, all my vulnerabilities and fears and worries surging out of me without a filter. My mouth worked faster than my brain could process. I found myself babbling on about William and the company and Ella and the miscarriage and the paps and Ella and my mother and my father and a gun and fingerprints and Ella. I didn't stop in between thoughts, everything jumbling together to form one large impression.

I had anticipated that her response would be something along the lines of "I'm so sorry," or "Are you alright?"

Her demeanor appeared to be solemn while silence endured.

"Harry, my dear, after all that, you need to take a couple years' worth of vacation."

I laughed quietly at the statement. "Definitely. You know, I think I - "

"Wait, I'm sorry," she interrupted. "Before, did you say Ella?"

"Yes," I said hesitantly, confused as to why she would interested. "Why?"

"Ella? Ella Warrington?"

I nodded, my eyebrows screwing together. "Do you...You know Ella?"

Her attention drifted off as she stared blankly at a wall behind me. "Of course!" she whispered. "I should've realized sooner! You were the boy she was talking to that morning in the shoppe. I don't know how I didn't recognize you then."

"How do you know her?" I questioned.

"She always serves Robert and I when we go for tea. She took the time to get to know us, unlike the other employees. She's very sweet."

I blinked, memories of Ella appearing in flashes inside of my head. All at once, my heart began to fill with an emotion I couldn't pinpoint. It felt as if it was going to split open.

"Right, well..." I set the mug I held onto the table in front me, rising up from my chair. "I should get going. Thank you, for everything."

"Anytime," she smiled.

I turned to the door, hand gripping the knob.

"Harry?" Elise called.

I rotated to face her.

"Go home to her. Based on what I've heard, she's probably missing you to death."

I absorbed her words. I considered it, Ella wanting me to come home. But I put it out of my mind because I knew that this was the best for everyone. Or at least that's what I believed.

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