chapter eight

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"Have a great day," the flight attendant said politely as we exited the plane.

"You too," Harry grinned, giving a coy wink before leaving. Her face flushed a shade of pink, a shy smile appearing.

"I'm sorry, he's incapable of not flirting with every girl he sees," I said, loud enough that Harry could hear me. "I think we should have him neutered."

Harry glared back at me, irritated at my remark. "Please excuse her, she's a bit insane," he whispered, making a circling gesture near his head.

"I think it's time to get you a leash, Harry," I said, my voice sounding motherly. The attendant let out a small giggle, amused. "C'mon, boy, c'mon." I pressed my hands to his back, encouraging him to continue walking.

"Seriously, I apologize for her," he called back as he began walking up the ramp.

I heard the attendant audibly laugh from behind us. I came to be next to him, proudly smirking at his embarrassment.

"You're gonna regret that."

We reached the end of the line of people were waiting to retrieve their suitcases.

"I'll take my chances," I grinned.


After getting our luggage, we left the terminal to walk into the airport. My eyes roamed the large space filled with people, some scurrying to catch their flight, some calm and patient, other's chattering away on the phone, but none of them were my brother.

"El!" I heard a voice yell. My ears searched for the voice, only to find out that it was coming from directly in front of me. There stood my brother, approaching us with his million dollar smile.

"You were always blind as a bat."

I graciously laughed, jogging towards him to corral him a warm hug. He squeezed me tightly, not wanting to let me go, just as he had the day I left for college.

"I missed you, Muppet," he mumbled into my shoulder.

Muppet was the nickname he had given me when we were younger. I constantly watched the show "The Muppet's," and I even thought I was Miss Piggy at one point. I'd never give up the television when it was on, causing my brother to become frustrated. He reguarly teased me about it, and somehow the nickname Muppet got weaved in.

I grinned against his shirt in the memory. "I missed you, too."

We continued to cling to each other, until I heard Harry nonchalantly clear his throat, reminding me of his presence. I drew away from Austin, turning to face Harry settled awkwardly.

"Oh, Austin, this is Harry, my..." I paused to contemplate what to call him. "He's a good friend of mine."

Austin glared at him, his eyes trailing up and down, sizing him up. He gave a flick of his head, which I'm guessing was supposed to be a greeting. "Hey, man."

Harry seemed a little intimidated by Austin, but he held his ground. "Hello."

I felt as if I was in an old western movie, right before the big confrontation. I was expecting a tumbleweed to roll in the space between them. I looked at Harry, then at Austin.

"While you two have your 'showdown,'" I said, gripping the handle of my suitcase, "I'm gonna go see mom. Have fun." I strolled away from them, leaving them to their antics.

It took them a moment to notice I had emigrated before they chased after me. Harry prevailed on my left, Austin on my right. Austin protectively slung an arm around my neck. Harry's face contorted to slight anger.

"This is gonna be interesting," I smirked.


"So, El, what's goin' on? How have you been?" Austin asked.

We were now driving from the airport to go home. Austin endured in the driver's seat - one hand on the wheel and the other on the joystick, a usual "Jersey driver's" postion. I was in the passenger's seat, and Harry was fuming in the back along with our luggage. I thought it was entertaining.

"You don't care," I chuckled.

"No, I don't. Just tryin' to be a good big brother and make small talk."

I grinned at him, shaking my head before glancing back at Harry. "You okay back there, Harry?"

"Peachy keen," he replied sarcastically. His jaw clenched in annoyance, and I playfully winked at him. He softened a bit, but the dissatisfaction was still evident.

"Hey, British," Austin said, referring to Harry.

"Austin..." I trailed off, reprimanding him.

"C'mon, El, he knows I'm just teasing," he joked. "Why'd you come with my sister? What's in it for you?"

"Austin!" I hissed, slapping him on the arm. He disregarded it; he had gotten bulky since the last time I saw him.

"He can answer for himself." He looked at Harry through the rear view mirror. I knew Harry was more than irritated, he was defeated and probably resentful.

His nostrils flared, a vein in his head apparent. "Okay, listen. Ella is my friend. A great friend. And I know you're her brother, and you want to guard her from anything that may harm her, but I'm not going to. And if you don't believe me, then I'm sorry, I really don't need your approval."

He displayed seriousness, Austin manifesting a crooked smile. "Good man."

I flashed Harry a bright smile, him following my actions. We drove the rest of way, blathering about insignificant things, coping with the terrible Newark traffic. It was about forty five minutes from the airport to my house - about an hour if you include the terrible drivers scattered all over the road.

I spent most of the time gazing out the window, watching everything that passed merging together to become nothing but blurs. I wondered what my mom's reaction would be when she saw me. She wasn't ecstatic about my leaving to go to college. She wanted me to do what she did; not go to college and continue the family culinary business. I told her that I was passionate about photography, and that I deemed the exact opposite for the business. Needless to say, we didn't end a good note.

I also speculated the thought of her being helpless and in agony. I didn't know how far the cancer had gone this time, and not knowing frightened me. I hadn't seen her in her worst condition; my family was sure to shelter me from that until I was mature enough to handle it. As much as we're upset with each other, I don't want to see her suffer.

We arrived at the house, and immediately I could hear my heart pounding like a drum through my ears. My hands rapidly trembled, my body suddenly frozen in place. It was happening again. I swore a snake was wrapping around my stomach. I struggled to breathe, my lungs feeling constricted.

I didn't realize how long I had been in my nervous state until Austin's harsh voice caused me to jolt and become aware of what was happening. His hand rested on mine as he anxiously peered at me, hoping to incite some movement from me.

"I'm fine," I whispered.

"You're gonna be okay," he consoled.

I nodded, inhaling deeply as my eyes fluttered closed in an attempt to compose myself. I knew Harry was dazed; I could sense the proximity of his eyes boring into me. I suspected he was going to ask me why that had just occurred, but I'd rather not explain.

There are some things he's better off not knowing.

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