chapter forty three

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I lightly pecked Harry's cheekbone, trailing to his jaw to press my lips along the line. I left an array of kisses from his forehead to the corner of his mouth that twitched faintly. He gently roused from his sleep, eyebrows coming together before separating. I smiled to myself, brushing the tip of my nose against his. I ran over his features, his eyelashes that framed his cheeks fluttering gently. He sighed quietly before I was met with jade eyes.

I tucked a fallen strand of hair behind my ear. "Good morning."

"Hi," he said groggily, grinning. He blinked a few times, his head lifting to realize that I wasn't beside him. I stood on the side of the bed, leaned over his body covered by the duvet. "You're working today?"

"It's Monday, Harry," I chuckled.

"Right," he nodded, running a hand over his face. "Why can't you take a day off?"

I shook my head. "I took off all of last week after you came back, and I promised Mitch that I'd start coming in regularly again."

"Ugh, Mitch," he groaned dramatically.

"Stop," I reprimanded. "I just wanted to tell you that you can stay here and wait for me to come home, or you can go back to your place. But if you leave, turn off everything before you go."

"You woke me up for that?" he joked.

"And to tell you that I love you." I left a chaste kiss to his lips. "And I'll see you later."

I stood fully upright, turning to shuffle to the door when a hand caught my wrist. I glanced at him, seeing his bottom lip poked out.

"If you're gonna leave me for eight hours, at least give me a proper goodbye kiss."

I rolled my eyes while smiling in amusement. I reclined against the bed, meshing my lips into his lovingly. We simultaneously melted into it, his hand coming to hinge on my jaw. I drew away, beaming idiotically as he reciprocated my expression.

"That better?" I teased.


I let out a breathy laugh before pressing another kiss to his mouth and standing on my feet. His hand that held my wrist moved to hold my hand in his larger one, lips moving in intervals against the back.

"Harry, I really have to go," I whined, giggling at the gesture.

"Okay, okay." He released my hand. "I'll see you later."

I quickly left a kiss to his cheek, emitting a throaty chuckle from him before I dashed to the door.


"Harry, you've been planning this before you even got the ring. You're gonna be fine."

"I don't know if I can do it, Zayn," I groused, mentally reprimanding myself for sounding so childish.

"All you have to do is get down on one knee, pull out the box and pop the question. And when she says yes, you put the ring on her finger and live happily ever after."

"Says the one who's already done this."

I heard him let out a chuckle on the other line. "Hey, man, I'm still in shock that Perrie even said yes."

I felt a slight tinge of anger burn in my stomach at his casual demeanor. I had asked Niall and Zayn to accompany me in ring shopping last week while Ella went out with her friends. It was sudden to everyone, and myself, but after about six times of saying that I was going to marry her, I decided I should follow through with at least one of my promises. I was positive that I loved her to odds and ends, to the point where I felt as if my heart was going to burst out of my chest. And there was no possibility of doubt that she felt the same.

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