chapter eighteen

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My eyes peeled themselves open, sunlight greeting me. I blinked a few times to register what had happened the night before.

I recalled the sutry moans and the surrounding atmoshpere becoming higher in temperature.

I had told Harry I loved him. And I did. I really did. I don't know if it was the heat of the moment that compelled me to say it right then and there, but I did.

Maybe it was the fact that just his laugh makes my heart flutter, even when he's laughing at the stupidest things. Maybe it was the fact that I loved hearing his gruff yet reassuring voice first thing in the morning. Maybe it was the fact that when he touches me, a fire ignites in my skin. Maybe it was the fact that he makes me happier than I thought I could ever be.

And I was aware that saying it so soon was cliché but when he told me that I was the first person he had ever made love to, that's when I knew that I did love him. Just thinking about how deep his love is for him to make love to me, out of how many other's unbelievable.

I turned on my side underneath the sheet, a vacant space next to me, nothing but an indentation. My heart dropped to my stomach.

I sat up, holding the sheet to my body. "Harry?" I called out. No answer.

No, he wouldn't leave after last night. After all we had said and done. He wouldn't. Not again.

I rose out of bed, a white, folded over paper dropping to the floor near my feet. I picked it up, attempting to read Harry's scrawled handwriting.

"Don't panic. I didn't want to wake you up, so I went to go get breakfast. Be back soon. H. xx"

I sighed, a breath of relief coming from my lips. Rummaging through my drawer, I slipped on a pair of underwear, throwing on Harry's red plaid button up shirt that was thrown in the pile of our clothes, which pooled just past my upper thighs. For whatever reason, the sleeves were cut off. I chuckled, thinking about what he could've possibly done with them.

I hopped down the stairs, shuffling into the kitchen, finding containers holding food spread out on the counter. Harry was ransacking my fridge, the door open as he bent over.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked, leaning on the counter.

He jumped which caused his head to knock on the inside of the fridge before he stood up. I laughed at his clumsiness.

He faced me, rubbing the back of his head. He stood in black skinny jeans with a rather large hole in the knee, adorning a beige colored sweater.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," he greeted me.

"Morning," I smiled. He took long strides around the counter adjacent to me, those familiar craters forming in his cheeks as he approached me.

My arms draped around his neck as his encircled my waist. His eyes locked on mine, drawing me closer to him, if that was possible.

"How'd you sleep?" he questioned.

"I slept fine. Mostly because you were next to me."

I realized the statement was hackneyed, but I didn't care as his grin grew bigger. The craters in them deepened, large enough to build a home.

"Listen, about last night..." he began. My heart returned to it's previous place in my stomach. "I don't want you to feel like you were pressured into - "

I cut him off, shaking my head. "I wasn't pressured into anything. I do love you. I really," I planted a kiss on the corner of his mouth, "really," another on the other corner, "do." Another on his lips.

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