chapter twenty nine

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"I've always liked Heather," Harry suggested, scooping up a pile of soap foam.

"Heather's nice," I nodded. "I like Jasmine, too."

Making advocates for names for the baby felt weird, to say the least. It's almost as if the reality of having the responsibility of taking care of another life was sinking in.

I looked down at my protruding stomach that slightly peeked out above the water of the tub.

"Wow," I spoke. "We're actually having this baby. This is actually happening.

"Yeah," Harry chuckled. "It is."

"Doesn't it scare you?" I questioned. It confused me, and somewhat irritated me that Harry didn't seem the least bit fazed by all this.

He propped his arm up on the edge of the tub, shrugging. "I dunno. I mean, yeah, I'm scared, but I think as long we have each other, we'll be fine. You'll tell me when I'm being an arrogant jerk and I'll tell you when you're being a pain in the arse."

I scoffed, playfully splashing water in his face.

"Hey, easy," he laughed, running a hand over his face. My giggles filled the bathroom until he stared at me, an earnest glint in his eye. "But in all seriousness ... " He leaned forward, his body near my bent legs. "I think you're gonna make a great mum."

I smiled, slanting my body as well, his breath fanning my face. "And you're gonna make a great daddy."

"I know," he said proudly, dimples hollowing in his cheeks.

I shook my head, grinning before my lips meshed into his lovingly. He appreciatively hummed into the kiss, his hands gripping the backs of my thighs as he lifted me onto his lap. The kiss quickly became heated, his lips trailing to my jaw to leave light kisses along my neck.

I was dissapointed when he unexpectedly stopped his movements. "What's wrong?" I panted.

He pulled away, his expression changed completely. His eyebrows furrowed as he examined my skin, tongue running over his darkened lips. Fingers tentatively brushed my sopping hair away from my neck.

"Where did these come from?"

My heart pounded against my chest, and I wondered if he could hear it.

"I told you, I fell at work," I lied.

"You told me you hit your head. You said nothing about your neck." His tone was frightening me more than it should have. Anger was evident in his voice, and I didn't enjoy angry Harry.

My mouth parted to speak, but silence weighed in the air. His eyes flickered to mine, and I knew that tonight wasn't going to go well.

I felt his hands clasp my thighs again, only to move my body off of his. He stood up, stepping out of the tub. He grabbed the towel on the curtain rack to wrap it around his waist before turning to me. He silently offered a hand for me to hold, aiding in rising me out of the tub. Jade harshly locked on hazel before he walked out of the bathroom.

"Harry," I called. I quickly brought a towel over my body, rushing after him.

"Harry, wait."

He stopped in the doorway, slowly turning to face me. "Why would you lie to me, Ella?" His tone and countanance deemed more than just upset, it seemed desolate.

"I'm sorry," I spoke softly. "I was scared a-and in shock."

"Ella, if you're scared of something, or someone, you tell me," he said, enuciating the last three words. "So just tell me who did that to you."

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