Chapter 9

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Leah POV


Once I was done crying and settled down I decied to clean off my makeup and curl into bed. The boys came to say goodnight, each kissing me on the fore head and walking towards the doorway. Then last but not least dad walked up to me and kissed me on both cheeks before ruffling my hair and joining the boys by the door. Before he shut the door he said

"If you need me I'm only a floor away, and Harry's room is across the hall. Ok babe?"

I nodded my head in understanding and then he turned off the light and left the door open.

After about 10 minutes my own thoughts scared me into a dark dreamless sleep.


The next day


I woke up to the sounds of Dad and one of the boys talking....errrm Zayn?

I closed my eyes and listened closer into the conversation...

"I just don't know anymore, she's just been through so much. She's always been so open with me... But lately it's like she's drifting. I don't know." Said Dad

Oh my gosh they are talking about me.

"Well Uncle Rick I had this idea, but I have to go talk to the boys and Simon about it. I'm going to a meeting with the boys and Simon now. Once we finish talking about the tour ill bring it up." Said Zayn

Stupid Zayn why can't you just tell dad now?! Grrr now I have to find out on my own.

I rolled over and opened my eyes to find them both smiling like idiots standing in the door way. I got up and hugged them both receiving "good mornings" from each of them.

I smilies back before I announced that I was going to take a shower. During my shower I couldn't help but wonder what Zayn was going to do or say. They probably wanted to put me up for adoption. Oh my gosh I'm probably so bad for Zayn's career. Zayn hates me. The boys probably all hate me. Dad hates me. I couldn't get these thought out of my head. So,

I did something I haven't done for awhile. I cutt.




I had a great idea! The only thing is I need to sort out all the details.

To be honest I really think Leah just needs a break from London.

I walked into Simons office. I sat next to Niall and Liam, across from me was Harry, Louis, and Simons intern Morgan. At the head of the head of the table was Simon.

After a long and boring 3 hours of talking about your stuff and the new opening of 1D World Stores, I brought up my idea. I cleared my throat and began.

"Hey, Uncle Si I was wondering if there was anyway we could bring any guests?"

"Well I mean you could have a guest but it would be difficult and there are only 6 beds on the bus. So you would have to share." Said Uncle Si.

"I was wondering if my cousin would be able to come with us."

Simon replied with

"Oh. I'm sure that will be fine, but Leah needs schooling still so you will need to get a tutor for her."

I quickly nodded before hopping up from my seat to call Uncle Rick to make sure it was ok with him. I walked quickly to the elevators the boys trailing behind.

I pressed the cold silver button and waited with the boys till I heard a 'Ding' and the boys, and I all walked onto the elevator.

It was really awkward, because there was an older woman with dirty blonde hair in a suit staring Harry down. We stopped at the next floor down. The woman was just about the get off the elevator before turning to Harry and giving him the 'Call Me Sign'. I was trying so hard not to burst into laughter. The elevator doors closed and we all burst into laughter. Well all of us except Harry who was blushing a deep shade of red.

The elevator made another 'Ding' sound that signaled we were at our floor.

We strolled out of the elevator and out of the lobby waving to the woman sitting at the front desk. We walked out of the building to see Paul on the phone standing by our Range Rover. Once he saw us he quickly ended his call and unlocked the car door. I got in first then, then Niall, then Liam and Louis who sat in the back. Harry sat in the passenger seat next to Paul.

I got out my phone and announced I was going to call Uncle Rick. All the boys nodded and got quiet.

After a couple rings Uncle Rick answered so I decided to put it on speaker.

"Hey Uncle Rick!" The boys and I said.

"Hey boys, so vas happenin?" He tried to use my line I corrected him...

"Well you see vas happenin is that Leah is coming on tour with us!"

"What do you mean she's coming on tour with you" he asked

"Well I figured since you said she was drifting she could build a stronger relationship with the boys and I on tour. Today I asked Simon and he said it was ok. I just need to line up a tutor for her so she can continue schooling and other than that everything else is fine. Sooo...can she please come Uncle Rick?"

Then Harry charmed in another "pleeeeaaaasssseee?"

Uncle Rick sighed before he said

"I guess so but, Zayn you need to understand she's still a child and so are you and the lads. I'm a bit shaky, but I'm going to allow it."

"Yay!!" The boys and I cheered before Louis piped up

"Uncle Rick you will not believe what happened in the elevator!" Uncle Rick cutt him off

"Hey...urm guys i'll talk to you when you get home. Leah has been in the shower for awhile now, and I think I hear crying."

I quietly replied with

" ok, we'll see you at home."

I could literally feel the whole car tense around me. I'm pretty sure we were all thinking the same thing.

I turned to see a pale Harry and a quiet Louis.

We have to help.

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