Chapter 4.

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******LEAH POV***********


The next morning I wake up to the dreaded sound of my alarm signaling that I had to get ready for school. Ew school.

I absolutely hate school.

I used to only go to school so I could see Mr.Holland, but now that I'm living with him and he's my dad I have no interest in school. If only I could stay home every day. Ha I wish, dad would never let that happen. Not on his watch at least.

I got up from my warm cozy bed, and turned on the shower. Then I peeled off my pjs and slid into the warm beads of water. Letting myself get lost in the relaxation it brought to my body.

Once I was done showering I decieded on wearing, the typical Hollister Skinny Jeans and a loose pink plaid shirt.

Then I walked over to the bathroom counter and began to apply my many layers of makeup. I began with a smooth coat of liquid on my face. After it was dry I applied some light eyeliner and eyeshadow. Then I began to do my mascara. It took me about ten minutes to do each eye. I backed away from the mirror and all my old thoughts flooded through my head.

You're ugly. Fat. Gross. Slut. Why would anyone love you? I kept thinking these things as I pack my school bag.

God I hated school, and Morgan did everything in her power to make me hate it even more. Morgan is the most popular girl in my school. She bully's me everyday and is positive to make everyone else hate me too. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard someone knock on my door and say "Love are you ready for school. If you don't hurry Niall will eat your breakfast."

Once the person walked away I grabbed my school bag and walked down the stairs. Nearly falling on the last step. The boys all started laughing while Dad came over to me and asked me if I was ok.

"Come on Leah, Harry made you a yummy breakfast." Said Niall

I replied with a simple "I'm not hungry." The guys all had a look of sadness in their eyes as I began to walk towards the door. But Dad caught my arm and said

"Leah, you are not leaving this house till you finish your breakfast."

I didn't want to make a big deal out of it so I agreed and followed him. I sat down at the kitchen counter. Then Harry placed a huge plate of eggs, toast, hash browns, and a glass of orange juice. My stomach was churning just from looking at it.

I picked up my fork, I took two bites of egg and spread the rest around my plate. Trying to make it look like I ate a lot. I then got up from the table and told the boys I was going to brush my teeth. I earned a couple weird stares. But shrugged them off.

Then I jogged up the stairs and ran to my bathroom. I could feel my stomach turning, then I let it all out. I threw up everything I had eaten for breakfast.

Once I was done puking my guts out, I got up and pulled my self up and looked in the mirror ew. I look gross, then the thoughts came back.

You're an ugly. Fat. Gross slut. Why would anyone ever love you?

I finished cleaning myself up and walked back out the room. I jogged back down the stairs, this time I made sure not to fall on the last step.

Then I made my way back to where the boys were sitting. I grabbed my school bag, then put on the new sparkly uggs that I found in my closet on.

I was about to walk out the door when Harry yelled

"Wait!!" I turned around in confusion, then all the boys ran over to me. Then they all gave me hugs starting with Harry, then Louis, then Liam, then Niall, then Zayn. Then Dad, but I knew I would meet him for lunch.

"Bye lads!, bye dad!" I yelled before leaving the house and walking the cold white

I looked at my phone to see what time it was. 6:57 perfect, right on time. Until I saw her. Morgan was standing directly in my path. I kept walking even though I knew I would soon be stopped.

I approached her and she did the normal. She stopped me, pulled my hair back so she was now looking down at me. Then she spat

"Hey you ugly little whore where do you think you're going?"

I managed to stutter out


The grasp on my hair became tighter before she punched me in the face.

God it hurt like hell. I could feel the lump growing in my throat. And the tears dwelling in my eyes as I clamped my hand around my throbbing jaw. Morgan kicked me once more in the stomach and said "see ya later bitch" before casually walking away like nothing happened.

I let a tear fall from my eye as I tried to get up. My jaw was still throbbing and my stomach hurt even worse as I tired to get off the ground. I couldn't bear the pain so I just sat there on the side walk. Until an un-firmilar figure arose.

Then his face was clearly visible. He had pale skin, dark brown hair in a quiff hidden under a red beannie. Damn he looked fineeeee.

"You ah ...need some help?" He asked.

" I'm fine really." I replied, but before I knew it he was carrying me bridal style towards our schools nurse office.

"I'm Jake. I'm uh new here." He said to me

"I was wondering if you could um maybe show me around. We could go sight seeing or something. If you wanted." He said, then looked at the ground.

"Um sure" I said, then smiled. I handed him my phone he plugged some numbers in and sent himself a text message so he had my number.

He handed me my phone back and then said "Well I gotta get to class. Catch ya later?" I simply nodded my head and waved to him.

Then I glanced into the nurses office. There was no one there, so I decided I'd be fine. If it still hurt later I could just tell dad or the boys I had a head ache and ask for some Tylenol.

I walked in pain to my first period class, well I walked in pain the whole day.


5 periods later

I walk into Dad's office. I soon regretted it, you would never believe what I saw, Dad and my Language arts teacher making out in full lip lock. Ewe! Luckily they were so into the kiss they didn't even notice me. So I just left and pretended I didn't see anything. I waited in the library till I saw my language teacher walk out.

When I knew she was gone for good I walked into dads office. He looked so dazed.

"Haha what's wrong with you?" I chuckled as I plopped on his desk.

"I......ummmm........uhhhh...nothing" was his response.

I just laughed. Until dad shot me a glare. Then he said

"I have to coach soccer tonight, do you want to leave early or walk home?"

"How, about YES!" I replied.

Then he told me to go grab my books.



Hiya! Ok so here's the thing, I'm trying to update as fast as I can. You have to consider, I'm typing This on my iphone thingy. Lol. Ok thx :D I appreciate all the votes and reads. And thanks for being patient ;)







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