581 29 10

4:16 a.m.

if you asked, the whole neighbourhood could probably give you an in depth reenactment of the night he left me for the first time.

the night started out okay. we drank and we smoked the new shit he had brought with him and I'm pretty sure he wanted to have sex. we talked about going for a long drive that night, our legs tangled together as I lay squished into the little space on the couch left. but then he brought up the shit he knew he shouldn't. the stuff we disagreed on. the things I hated that he still did. but he never listened to me.

maybe we were in love and maybe he said he would marry me if I wanted him to someday. but that night, for the first time in my life, I felt as if he were a stranger. when we screamed, i didn't feel like I could kiss the fuck out of him to make it better.

that night maybe I wasn't in love.

or maybe it was just the vodka talking.

but before all this, comes when we met. i wonder if he remembers it clearly.

tumblr girls // lrh [completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora