Journey of 5 Regions

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Ring Ring, Ring Ring. "Come on, clock. Can you ever be quiet for me?" Icee, a young 14 year-old, yawned groggily, hitting the snoove button on her alarm clock. "What time is it anyway?" she picked up the clock, the time saying exactly 10:30. "It's ten-thirty already!? How could I be so stupid!" she threw off her covers and frantically got dressed. "I'm so late!" she darted downstairs, grabbed her bag, and threw herself out the front door.

"Uh, be back soon, honey" Icee's mother stood at the bottom of the staircase, her hair frizzed and her aipron wrinkled from her daughter's hasty run through the house.

"This is just perfect. This is possibly the most important day of my life, and I'm going to be late for it" Icee ran through Pallet Town until she came to a halt at the town's labratory. "Finally, I made it" she sighed, darting inside.

"Sorry I'm late Professor Oak, I had a crazy morning" Icee said, gasping for air.

"I figured as much, so I waited until you arrived" Professor Oak laughed.

"Yeah, it's not easy living with an artsy mom, a busy dad, two annoying 3 year-olds, and a Smeargle" Icee stated proudly. "Especially the 3 year-olds, they really get on my nerves"

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like for us to begin" Pro. Oak led the way as the two entered the Pokemon House. Icee watched as Pidgey soared through the air, Munchlax snoozed under trees, and Zigzagoon running through the tall grasses. "The beginning of each pokemon trainer's journey starts with choosing a pokemon. That pokemon stays by your side throughout the entire journey, and even afterwards, so choose wisely". A Pidgey, Munchlax, and Zigzagoon lined up in front of them, each holding a pokeball and a small grin on their bright, cheerful faces.

"This is amazing! I can't wait to start my journey with one of these little pokemon!" Icee jumped up in excitement. "This is just so-" she began, noticing a big blue ball by one of the bushes. The bush moved a little, then, out of nowhere, an Azurill jumped high into the air, using Tail Whip. "Who's that pokemon? I thought these three were the only kind you had here" Icee said, picking up the struggling pokemon and lifting it high into the air.

"That's Azurill, but I'm afraid no one can have him" Pro. Oak sighed.

"Why not? He's such a cute little pokemon" Icee looked at the professor in puzzlement, the Azurill struggling to get free from her grasp.

"We would have someone take him, but I'm afraid he's just too..."

"Just too what? Agressive? Sneaky?"

"Just too special". Icee thought for a minute, looking at the Azurill, then at the professor. 

"He doesn't seem any different, what's so 'special' about him?", the Azurill grunted in dissagreement.

"It's too complicated for you to understand. I'm afraid he's not an option for picking" Pro. Oak grabbed the Azurill and set it down.

"Come on, if he's so special, why can't you let me have him? My family's known you for years, so why can't I get to start my journey with that Azurill?" Icee grunted, her hands on her hips.

"That may be true, but I'm afraid you just can't have this Azurill"

"Hey, if I can prove to you that me and Azurill can become perfect partners, then can he come with me?"

"Well, I suppose that-"

"Great! Come on, Azurill!" Icee grabbed the little pokemon by it's tail and darted out the door.

"Is it possible that Icee can tame that Azurill?" Pro. Oak sat on a nearby rock, a Zigzagoon coming over and laying on his lap.

"Alright Azurill, here's how things are going to work" Icee stated once the two were alone. "We're going to try to make things work so the professor will let us journey together, ok?"

Journey of 5 RegionsWhere stories live. Discover now