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"Squirtle, Squirtle!". Icee stepped back a few paces before confronting Marcus's new pokemon.

"Since when did you get a Squirtle!?"

"Azu-Rill!?" Azurill squeaked, bouncing to Icee's side.

"Well, he came from Professor Oak, but-"

"That's awesome! I wish I could get one!" Icee picked the Squirtle up and began twirling it around, making the little pokemon laugh loudly.

"Come on, Squirtle, back in the pokeball!" Marcus grabbed Squirtle from Icee and placed it on the ground.

"Aw come on, Marcus! He just came out of his pokeball!"

"Squ-Squ!" Squirtle nodded his in agreement.

"Fine, I guess he can stay out a little longer" Marcus sighed. "Come on, Riolu"

"Ri-Ri" Riolu nodded, running to Marcus's side.

"Where do you think you're going?" Icee grabbed Squirtle and ran over to Marcus and Riolu.

"We're heading to Pewter City which is...this way"

"Why would we go there?"

"It's where the first gym is!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about the gyms"

"That's the whole point of our journey!" Marcus said frustated, stomping off towards the edge of the city. "Now how do we get out of Viridian City?"

"Well, let's check the city map" Icee said, pointing over to a stand where the city's map was shown. "Ok, so we're by the pokemon center and, here it is! Route 2 is just down this street over here!" Icee led the way as the group passed through a long street leading to Route 2.

"Here we are! I told you I knew the way!" Icee stated proudly.

"No you didn't! I'm the one who said to go down that last road" Marcus argued, the two arguing while their pokemon watched in amusement. Riolu jotted over to a large bush and poked his head through, quickly bringing it out in surprise.

"Riolu-Ri!" Riolu pulled on Marcus's arm and pointed towards the bush.

"What's the matter Riolu?". Riolu began dragging Marcus over to the bush when Squirtle stopped them.

"Squirtle Squirtle!" Squirtle disappeared through the bush, soon coming back out and fingering the others to follow.

"Why do you think they want us to follow?" Icee muttered while the two pokemon impatiently poked their heads in and out of the bush.

"I have no idea. Maybe there's somethings beyond those bushes they want us to see" Marcus said, walking over to his two impatient pokemon. "Is that it?"

"Ri-Riolu!" Riolu nodded, smiling.

"Alright then, let's check it out". Azurill started shaking violently, stopping Icee before she could pass through the bunch of bushes.

"Don't worry, they probably just found some pecha berries or something" Icee patted the little pokemon on the head and continued through the bushes.

"Come on, Meowth! How many times do I have to tell you not to steal things from other pokemon!" a young trainer was tugging on a bag with a Meowth on the other end, to which the pokemon greatly disagreed.

"Um, do you need some help?" Icee said, giving a joyful smile.

"Well, I guess.."

"Alright then!" Icee ran over to the Meowth and handed it a Pecha berry. "You can have this, only if you let go of the bag"

"Meow?" the Meowth fiddled with the bag a little before  dropping it to the ground and snatching the berry.

"That's one tricky Meowth" Marcus grabbed the bag and handed it to the trainer.

"Yeah, it's hard to keep him from stealing sometimes" the trainer patted the Meowth on the head, to which the pokemon purred loudly. "I'd better get this back to Officer Jennie"

"Where exactly are you heading?" Icee took her map out of her bag and opened it up.

"Just outside Pewter City"

"Really? That's where we're headed! Maybe we can head there together!" Icee looked at Marcus, who nodded in response.

"That'd be awesome! We could all be travel buddies!" the trainer jumped in excited, grabbing Meowth and darting towards the city.

"Hey, wait! We still don't know your name!" Icee yelled, stuffing Azurill into her bag and darting towards the trainer.

"Sorry! The name's Lily!"

"Come on, don't leave us behind! Come on Riolu!". Riolu nodded and followed as the two tried to catch up to their comrads.

"So, why were you in Pewter City?" Icee said once they got to Pewter.

"Oh, I'm training to be a gym leader!" Lily said joyfully before entering the police station. "Hello, Officer Jennie? It turns out my Meowth accidently took someone's bag, and I'd like to place it in the lost and found"

"Sure thing, I'm sure that who ever this belongs to will be glad to hear that it's been in good hands" Officer Jennie said with a smile.

"That's good to hear. You know how a Meowth can be" Lily sighed, looking back to see Meowth fiddling with things in the lost and found.

"It's just how they are, you can't stop it" Officer Jennie handed Meowth to Lily and placed the bag in the lost and found. "But I can tell that you can handle him fine"

"Thanks Officer Jennie" Lily nodded happily, holding Meowth by the scruff as the little pokemon tried to run off.

"So, did everything go ok?" Marcus said once Lily came out of the station.

"Yup. So now where are we headed?" Lily said enthusiastically. Azurill let out a quick yawn and got comfortable in Icee's bag.

"I think we should find a place to sleep for the night" she rubbed Azurill's head while he dozed off.

"Good idea" Marcus yawned, picking up Riolu. "How about you take a little break, buddy"

"Riolu-Ri" Riolu yawned gratefully.

"Hey, can't we stay at the Pokemon Center?" Lily said, pointing over to a nearby Pokemon Center.

"Yeah, I think so" Marcus lead the way into the pokemon center, careful not to move too much as to bother Riolu.

-He's such a good friend to his pokemon- Icee thought as the trio entered the pokemon center.

"Hello, Nurse Joy? We would like to know if we could stay for the night" Marcus said once he got to the front desk.

"Yes, of course! You may stay here as long as you'd like" Nurse Joy said with a smaile, pointing upstairs. "Just head up those stairs and you'll find the rooms"

"Alright, thanks!". 

"Meow-Meowth!" Meowth jumped out of Lily's arms and darted over to the nearest room.

"Meowth, get back here!" Lily ran over and grabbed Meowth by the tail. "You shoulder know better than to run off like that"

"Actually, I think Meowth picked the perfect room!" Icee giggled as she walked into the room. "Three beds, how nice!"

"Come on, Icee. Can't you quiet down a little?" Marcus sighed as he placed Riolu gently onto the nearest bed.

"Oops, sorry" Icee blushed, setting her bag down and doing the same for Azurill. 

"Well I think I'm gonna hit the hay now, I'm exhausted" Lily threw herself onto a bed and passed out right then and there, Meowth doing the same.

"I knew they wouldn't last much longer" Icee giggled. 

"Hey, Icee?" Marcus yawned loudly.


"If the gym isn't open, do you wanna have a battle? For training, I mean" Marcus stuttered, placing himself gently onto his bed alongside Riolu.

"Sure, that'd be perfect" Icee gave a quick nod before dozing off.

Journey of 5 RegionsWhere stories live. Discover now