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"This is going to be so much fun!" Icee said in excitement as she walked through the front door of her house. "I can't wait to surprise them!"

"Welcome home Icee, did everything turn out alright?" Icee's mother asked while she was setting the table.

"Yeah, it went ok, it wasn't too bad" Icee said in fake disapointment.

"Oh, things didn't go so well, did they"

"They could've gone better"

"Aw, I'm sorry honey. I've never heard of someone not getting their starter pokemon" Icee's mother came over to give her daughter a hug, only to notice that her daughter's bag was squirming. "Whats in here.."

"Surprise!" Icee tossed Azurill out of her bag, and the little pokemon made a perfect landing on the kitchen floor.

"I knew Professor Oak wouldn't have done that to you" Icee's father walked down the staircase and placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "You really know how to make up a story, Icee"

"Thanks, it's my specialty" Icee bowed down from her performance, Azurill doing the same.

"So, this little Azurill is your new partner?" Icee's mother picked up Azurill and began bouncing him in her arms. "How adorable"

"Yeah, he was the only Azurill in the whole lab, pretty lucky, huh?" Icee bragged, placing Azurill on her shoulder. "Hey, are the two monsters awake yet?"

"No, Louis and Chris aren't awake yet, I was going to wake them up after breakfast was ready" Icee's mother said, placing a big plate of pancakes in the middle of the table.

"Good. I don't want Azurill to run away on me after seeing those two ruin the house" Icee sighed, packing up some of the pancakes into her bag. 

"Where do you think you're going? Aren't you going to stay for breakfast?" Icee's father stuck himself between his daughter and the front door.

"I'm going to start my journey, that's why I went to get my first pokemon, remember?Plus, I don't want to be anywhere near Luois and Chris when they start eating" Icee ducked behind her father and walked calmly out the door.

"Well then, be back home soon" Icee's mother raced towards Icee and gace her a big hug. "And don't forget to bring your brothers a souvenoir"

"Yeah, yeah. I make sure to get something for Smeargle too" 

"Have fun and be safe" Icee's father patted Icee on the back and pointed towards the end of town. "You remember how to get to route 1, right?"

"Yes dad, I used to go there every day to feed the Pidgey" Icee gave a big smile and waved goodbye. "Tell Louis and Chris I'll be back soon with something for them"

"Goodbye! Be safe!" her parents both yelled as Icee walked down the street towards Marcus's house.

"Hello, is Marcus home?" she said when his father answered the door.

"Uh-uh. He just left to go on route 1" he sighed, shaking his head. "You'll probably catch up with him if you hurry"

"Ok, thanks!" Icee darted towards route 1, Azurill barely on her shoulder anymore. "Don't worry, we'll get there soon" Icee patted Azurill's head.

"Hey Icee, what's the rush?" Marcus asked when Icee finally caught up to him.

"'The rush' is that I thought we could travel together" Icee heaved.

"Azu-Azurill" Azurill sighed.

"Oh, um alright" Marcus walked past the huge 'Welcome to Pallet Town' sign and over towards route 1, Riolu rushing to his side.

"Riolu!" Riolu called back when he noticed Icee and Azurill weren't following.

"Alright, we're coming!" Icee ran past Marcus, Azurill bouncing behind her. "What are you waiting for? There's a whole lot of pokemon just waiting to be caught!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just stop going so fast!" Marcus grabbed Riolu by the hand and the two jogged over to Icee's side. Just then, a Pidgey fell to the ground just inches in front of them.

"Pid-Pidgey" the injured pokemon yelped before passing out. 

"Pidgeot-Pidg!" a trio of Pidgeot flew off into the distance, but not before laughing at the unconsious Pidgey.

"What rude pokemon!" Icee stamped her foot in anger.

"A-zu-rill!" Azurill grunted.

"Come on, we have to get this Pidgey to the Pokemon Center" Marcus picked the Pidgey up carefully and darted back into town.

"Ri-Riolu!" Riolu fingered for Icee and Azurill to follow, only to end up have to drag the angered two along.

"Hello, Nurse Joy?" Marcus called once the group had entered the Pokemon Center.

"Yes, is something wrong?" Nurse Joy came running from behind the counter.

"Yes, it's this Pidgey. It had been bullied by a trio of Pidgeot"

"I'll take it from here" Nurse Joy carefully grabbed the Pidgey and placed it on a cart. "Wigglytuff, hurry and get me a Full Restore". Nurse Joy disapeared inside the treating room, Wigglytuff following her with a case full of restores and medications.

"Riolu! I've been worried about you!" Marcus gave Riolu a huge hug once they had caught up to him.

"Ri-Riolu!" Riolu squeaked.

"How's the Pidgey doing?" Icee heaved, Azurill bouncing onto her shoulder.

"I have no idea. The Pidgey's been with Nurse Joy for a while" Marcus sighed, shaking his head. Just then Pidgey flew out the Pokemon Center doors and onto Marcus's shoulder. 

"Pidgey-Pidg!" the little Pidgey rubbed it's cheek against Marcus's.

"The poor little pokemon was very injured, but it seemed to have seen you protecting it" Nurse Joy said with a sweet smile.

"So, why is it so affectionate?". Nurse Joy gave a little laugh as Pidgey flew on top of Marcus's head.

"It seems Pidgey would like to thank you for helping it"

"Pid-gey!" Pidgey squaked in agreement, reaching into Marcus's bag and grabbing a pokeball.

"Oh, I think Pidgey wants you to catch it, Marcus!" Icee patted Pidgey gently on the head. "Well you certainly can't say no to that"

"Alright then". Pidgey handed the pokeball to Marcus and fluttered a safe distance away. "Go pokeball!" Marcus threw the pokeball at Pidgey, and the pokemon was sucked into it. The pokeball gave a quick three clicks, and Pidgey was caught.

"Awesome! You caught your first pokemon!" Icee patted Marcus on the shoulder roughly. "So how many pokeballs do you have left?"

"Let's see, 1, 2, 3...I have three left as of now"

"But that would mean you have three pokemon with you right now!"

"Yup, I do"

"But you only have Riolu and Pidgey!"

"Oh, I guess I forgot to show you-" Marcus grabbed a pokeball from his bag and threw it into the air. "-my new pokemon"

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