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                                                                       -Sorry for such a long wait on one chapter, I've been kind of busy lately-

Azurill tried frantically to dodge the many hurtling rocks, only to get hit one after another.

"Looks like this battle's over and done with" Hazel sighed in disapointment. "It's a shame too, I was just starting to have fun"

"Rhy-Rhyhorn" Rhyhorn nodded in agreement.

-I have to think of something before Azurill gets knocked out- Icee stuttered to herself. "We'll win this battle, and this'll prove it!!" 

"Can't you just face the fact that with Rhyhorn's Rock Blast you can't win?" Hazel teased, Rhyhorn sending even more rocks at Azurill. 

"We'll never give up, Azurill use Tail Whip!". Azurill used it's tail to smash any nearby rocks, soon making its way to Rhyhorn. "Now use-"

"Not gonna happen!" Hazel interrupted. "Rhyhorn, use Mega Horn!". Rhyhorn used it's now extened horn to push Azurill into the air, ready to end the battle with one final swing. Icee stepped back in shock as Azurill slowly fell within range of Rhyhorn's powerful horn.

"Azurill, wake up! You have to move!" Icee yelped, tearing up. "Azurill!". Azurill's eyes jerked open, and a sudden gush of water shot out at Rhyhorn.

"That's Water Gun!" Lily muttered in amazement, Meowth letting out a yelp of delight. Rhyhorn fell to the ground, spirals replacing it's eyes. 

"Oh, man!" Hazel rushed to her pokemon's side, rubbing it's head gently until it awoke. "That's two battles lost, two days in a row"

"That's not bad, 'ya know" Icee stated, Azurill bouncing onto her shoulder. 

"Yes it is, it means I'm not a good gym leader" Hazel sighed.

"Aren't gym leaders supposed to let the challenger win?" Lily said, running over to Icee's side. 

"Well, not all the time. It's our job to make the battle challenging"

"And that's something you're really good at!"

"I guess, but challengers aren't supposed to win the first time around, and-"

"And what? You're a great gym leader, so hurry up and let's battle!" Lily blurted out, clearly frustrated.

"Meow?" Meowth tipped his head in surprise, walking over and nudging Lily with his paw.

"Are you sure you just want to jump into a battle like that?" Icee whispered.

"Uh-huh. I'm sure of it"

"Well, I guess I could go for another battle, only if we could have a quick break first" Hazel said, putting Rhyhorn back in it's pokeball.

"Sure, not a problem" Lily nodded, walking towards the exit. Meowth gave a look of uneasiness before darted to Lily's side.

"Hey Lily, wait for us!" Icee darted outside the gym, Azurill bouncing helplessly on her shoulder.

"You don't have to watch the battle, Icee. You should head to the pokemon center to get Azurill fixed up" Lily sighed once Icee and Azurill had caught up with her.

"No, it's fine. Azurill can wait, right buddy?"

"Rill-Rill!" Azurill yelped in agreement. 

"See? It takes a lot to take Azurill down!" Icee bragged, patting Azurill on the head.

"I wish Meowth was like that" Lily sighed, watching as Meowth played with a leaf by a nearby tree.

"What do you mean? Meowth's great at lots of things"

"Yeah, but he's not great at battling". Meowth sat and stared, a great look of interest on his face until the leaf landed onto his nose. "He is good at entertainment though"

"Uh-huh. Just don't push yourself too hard and Meowth'll do fine" Icee gave a cheerful smile, which soon turned into a stern frown.

"What's wrong?" Lily stammered, anxiety making her stutter.

"What ever happened to Marcus and Riolu?! They were just supposed to do a little looking around, not all day!" Icee stormed off angrily, pacing back and forth while muttering to herself.

"It's not that late, I'm sure they'll be here soon" Lily jumped to her feet, holding Meowth by the tail. 

"Meow, Meow?" Meowth mewed questionably, trying to free itself from Lily's grasp.

"You've played with enough leaves, Meowth. How about we hurry and get this battle over with, so we can lower the embarrassment" Lily walked sluggishly towards the gym, practically dragging Meowth along the ground.

"Come on, don't act like that!" Icee darted in front of Lily, arms stretched wide so she couldn't pass. "If you're just going to act that way about a gym battle, then you can't go!"

"I'm just going to get this over with and carry on with my life, ok?" Lily ducked under Icee's arm and continued towards the gym.

-That's not the first time that's happened today- Icee rolled her eyes as she remembered how Marcus had done the same thing earlier this morning. "Go if you want, but with that kind of attitude you'll never win"

"So we'll try our best and deal with it" Lily said before walking into the gym.

"Azu-Rill?" Azurill said, tipping his head in confusion. 

"Yeah, but we kinda have to go watch, to help her". The two shrugged quickly and rushed into the gym. Lily and Hazel had already readied themselves at the field, each with a strangely aggressive expression on their face. 

"You ready?" Lily squeaked. Hazel nodded in reply, taking out a pokeball.

"It's your time to battle, Marowak!" Hazel yelled, throwing her pokeball into the air.

"A Marowak? I'd better check it out in my pokedex" Icee reached into her bag, took out her pokedex, and aimed it at Hazel's Marowak. 

"It collects bones from an unknown place. Some whisper that a Marowak graveyard exists somewhere in the world."

"Sounds like one tough pokemon!" Icee muttered, careful not to make Lily feel scared. 

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