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"What a beautiful morning! No Louis and Chris tackling me, no parents yelling for me to get to work, and no Smeargle painting my face green" Icee sighed once she woke up.

"Sounds like a load of fun to me" Marcus said sarcastically while he got together his bag. "We should go check out the gym, see if it's open or not"

"Ah, but I was looking forward to having a battle with you first!" Icee sighed in disappointment, Azurill doing the same.

"A battle? What about a battle?" Lily yawned, stretching her arms wide. "Come on Meowth, wake up". Meowth swiped atLily and rolled over, dozing off once again. "Get up!" Lily yelled, yanking on Meowth's tail until it finally woke up.

"Come on you two, knock it out" Marcus held Lily back while Riolu held back Meowth. "Sve the fight for the gym, won't 'ya?"

"Aw, come on Marcus! I want to battle you first, this is my first battle ya know!" Icee yelled.

"Azurill-Rill!" Azurill copied.

"Alright, we'll have a quick battle and then we can check the gym" Marcus sighed, letting go of Lily.

"Ri-Ri!" Riolu nodded in agreement.

"Alright then! Let's get out of here and over to an open field!" Icee grabbed her things and ran out the door, leaving the others behind.

"Wait a minute!" Lily darted behind her, Marcus, Meowth, and Riolu not far behind.

"You really need to stop running off like that!" Marcus heaved once the group made it outside to an open space of land outside the Pokemon Center. "Besides, shouldn't we eat first?"

"We can eat later! Just pick a pokemon and let's battle!". Azurill jumped in front, a brave smirk on his face.

"Alright, then Riolu, let's go!". Riolu flipped beside Azurill and gave a nod of agreement. "You ready, Icee?"

"Ah-Huh. Let's go!"

"Alright! Riolu, use Quick Attack!". A quick flash of white light outlined Riolu as it darted as fats as lightning towards Azurill, knocking the little pokemon high into the air.

"Azurill, you alright?"


"Ok, Azurill use Tackle!". Azurill charged over to Riolu.

"Riolu, counter with Force Palm!" Riolu's paw turned a shade of red as it smacked Azurill across the battlefield.

"Riolu, Ri!" Riolu growled in satisfaction. Azurill jumped back onto it's feet and let out an agrivated growl.

"Don't get worked up, Azurill! Use Tackle once again!"

"Riolu, Dodge and use Force Palm once more!". Riolu jumped upwards and once again smacked Azurill to the ground, leaving the pokemon dizzy and unconsious.

"Oh no, Azurill!" Icee darted over to Azurill, picking up the little pokemon and cradling him. "We lost"

"Come on, let's get Azurill back to the Pokemon Center". Several minutes past as the group waited for Nurse Joy to finish caring for Azurill.

"Here you go! You Azurill is back in perfect health!" Nurse Joy stated with a smile once she came out of the center.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy" Icee said, Azurill jumping onto her shoulder. "Your one tough opponent, Riolu"

"Ri-Riolu" Riolu blushed in appreciation, shaking hands with Azurill to show that everything's forgiven.

"Yeah, well we've had lots of practice" Marcus shrugged.

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