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General POV:

The morning after Jude had his meltdown he woke up and got ready like he normally does and goes through his normal routine except this time he was really nervous knowing that he had to give a speech in front of his whole class. He was mostly nervous because he knew that Connor was going to be there. As he walked down stairs to get breakfast everyone turned to look at him as he walked over to the table without saying a single word.

"Hello" said Jude as he sat down looking confused. " What's wrong" asked Jude? " Nothing" said Stef as no one talked. After a few seconds of complete silence Mariana couldn't hold it in anymore and blurted out " When did your memory come back"? " That's what this is all about" said Jude annoyed that they care about that. " Not at all" said Stef as everyone else said " Yes" or " Totally" or " Kind of". " It just came back" said Jude as he began to eat his pancakes again. " It doesn't just randomly come back" said Mariana." Mariana" said Stef shocked by what Mariana had just said. " Well it doesn't" said Mariana defending herself. " Fine I got bullied" said Jude as he got up to leave the room. " What do you mean you got bullied" said Callie as Jude put his plate in the sink. " I got pushed up against a locker and Connor came to my rescue and before I knew it I fell to the ground and then I blacked out and then my memory came back" said Jude sounding like he didn't care. " Who did this to you" asked Lena in her principal voice. " I'd rather not talk about it" said Jude as he left the room. " I have to know! Whoever did this to you can't just get away with it" said Lena following Jude to the stairs. " If it hadn't happened my memory would still be gone. I'm glad it happened" said Jude walking upstairs to his room. " I'm glad you're happy but you still have to tell me who did this" said Lena. " Fine it was Kevin.... But I don't see the big deal...... He helped my memory come back..... it's not like he did something bad" said Jude turning back to his room door and leaving Lena by the stairs to think about what he said.

Later at Jude's English Class

While Jude is sitting at his desk in English Taylor and Daria look over and notice that Jude won't stop shaking his leg and tapping his fingers on his desk.

" Are you ok" asked Daria? " Ya I'm ok.... Why would you ask.... Nothing can be wrong.... Everything's ok......ok" said Jude really fast as he stuttered. " Ok" said Daria. " Everything's going to be fine...... ok... you're just talking about Video Games ok" said Taylor. " Ya.... It's not like I changed my topic" said Jude. " You changed your topic" asked Taylor? " Ya" said Jude. " What to" asked Taylor being nosy again. " You'll see" said Jude looking at the front of the room. " Ok.... Whatever it is I bet you'll do good" said Taylor reassuring Jude that she has his back. " Thanks" said Jude. " Hello Everyone" said the teacher as she walked to the front of the class. " Now who wants to go first" she asked as Connor's hand shot up really fast. " Ok Connor's first" said the teacher as he walked up to the front of the class.

As Connor got up in front of his class Jude could tell how nervous he was because he looked like he was about to run out of the class but didn't as he kept his eyes locked on Taylor and Daria knowing that he had them there.

" Friendship... Friendship is having people there for you that will always have your back. For example friends are people that will stand up for you no matter what happens like when someone calls you names your friends will stand up for you even if you ask them not to. Friends are people that will forgive you even if you make a mistake like knock them out during a game of dodgeball. Friends are the people in your life that make everything better. Friends are the people that will always have your back even if they forget who you are they will have your back". As Connor said that last part he looked to Jude trying to tell Jude that he's not a good friend by the look he gave Jude. " But most importantly Friends are the people that make every bad moment in your life better by just being there for you. Some friends you have forever and some are just there for a moment. While you might think someone is your friend but you end up finding out that they aren't your friend at all. Because they really are just someone that pretended to be your friend but wasn't all along" said Connor looking at Jude as he tried not to cry as Jude had a look of shock on his face seeing everyone in the class turn and look at him. " But to sum up my opinion of friendship, friendship is one of the most important things in life because some people our your friends and some people start out being your friends and they end up being a distant memory of a friend you use to have" said Connor as he walked to the back of the class as everyone clapped for him. As Jude sat there hurt by everything Connor had just said Taylor mouthed " It will be ok". " Whose next" asked the teacher as Jude's hand shot up faster then a rocket. " Ok Jude it's your turn" said the teacher.

As Jude walked up to the front of the class he locked eyes on Taylor knowing that the only way he was going to get through this speech is by having her there for him.

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