I Learned From You

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Jude's POV:

You'd think being to a few funerals before would make it so that they don't affect you anymore but that would be a lie. It's harder when you have to give a speech in front of the friends and family of someone that has died. Right now I'm standing in front of a bunch of people about to talk and all I can do is try to not cry.

" I know that when you lose someone you care about people normally say that it all happens for a reason but I believe that it happened to help teach not only me but all of us a lesson. And that lesson is strength. The first day I saw him walk into school I knew that we would become good friends. Not just because he was nice but because I could tell that we both had a lot in common. We both were new to Anchor Beach and we both struggle with our sexuality. He also taught me that when you've done something wrong that you should learn from it. He's also taught me to forgive people even when they don't deserve it. He's also taught me strength. No matter what people did and said to him he would always be the bigger person and just walk away. But what he taught me the most is friendship. I know people say that making friends is easy but being the new kid at school makes it harder to make new friends. Partly because people judge you by the clothes you make and by the stuff you've done in the past".

Connor's POV:

" When I first moved to Illinois I was made fun of for wearing nail polish and the first person to comment on it was Nick. But when he moved here to California I remembered the mean stuff that he said to me. And yes I was mad at him for it but after a while I could tell that he knew that he was wrong about the stuff he said to me. That's when he trusted me enough to tell me the truth"..... As this point I couldn't help but cry a little. " He trusted me enough to tell me that we both knew that we were different and at the moment we became good friends".

Jude's POV:

" Later that night he randomly showed up at my house with a black eye and bruises all over his face. I didn't know what to do or if I should ask him what happened. But instead of saying anything I listened to him. Before anyone could react he told us the horrible news...". I couldn't help but cry.... " He said that his father hit him for being gay......."

Connor's POV:

" When he told us that his father hit him for being gay all I could think about was when I told my father the same thing. I know people say that you should just ignore the people that bully you but it's not as easy done as it is said. I know my father regrets ever hurting me when I came out. But having him hurt me helped me learn. It taught me that not everyone is as accepting out in the real world. I'm just glad that he learned to accept my relationship. Everyone regrets something no matter who you are. What I regret is not being the person I really am and hurting people along the way".

Jude's POV:

" What I regret the most is not being there for Nick when he needed me the most. If I was there that night he would still be with us. I shouldn't have let him walk home alone. I should have walked with him". As I say that I run off the stage and as far away from everyone as I could.

Connor's POV:

" If I could do anything I would go back to the moment it all happen and switched places with Nick so that none of this would have to happen. Because no one and I mean no one deserves to go through the pain that he went through..... Thank you for listening" I said as I walked off stage and sat down next to my father. The next person to walk on stage I never thought I would see again but I guess everyone comes into your life and stays there.

Austin's POV:

" I'd like to start out by saying that I've known Nick since I was three years old. And when Nick first moved here he would never stop talking about how nice Jude and Connor were. And I know what he means because I use to go to school at Anchor Beach and I use to date Jude for a short time but then I left him because I could tell that he was better off with Connor. Knowing that he was around good people like them made me happy. But when I found out that he was gay made me feel even better because I knew that he wouldn't be judged by either of them. But then when I found out that he killed himself everything changed. Not only did I lose a good friend but I lost a brother. I know people say that you can't be brothers because you're not related. But If I had learned anything from going to Anchor Beach for the short time I did I learned one thing and that is that 'DNA doesn't make a family love does'. I know he didn't only have a special place in my heart but both Jude and Connor's hearts because not only was nick like a brother to me but he was like a brother to them".

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