Two Worlds One Family

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General POV:

Stef and Lena were sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee like they do every morning when the child support guy knocked on their front door. As Stef answered the door she had a look of trouble on her face.

" Hello! How may I help you" Stef asked knowing that something was wrong. " Is your son Jude here" asked the child support guy. " Jude come down here now" yelled Stef not caring that she was waking everyone else up. " What do you need" asked Jude slowing down as he walked up to Stef? " have you seen Connor lately" asked the child support guy? " Not since Yesterday at school.... Why" asked Jude confused? " He's missing" said the child support guy. " What do you mean he's missing" asked Jude confused? " No one knows where he is" said the child support guy. " Have you asked his father" stated Jude not knowing that his father was taken away from him. " Can I take to you alone Stef" asked the child support guy.

After they talked alone for a little bit Stef walked into the living room where Jude was so that she could tell him what happened while the cild support guy was in the kitchen with Lena.

" Jude can I talk to you for a minute" asked Stef in her motherly voice as she sat down next to him and he turned to look at her. " You see what happened is Connor's father was drunk and the child support guy came to his house and took him away" said Stef. " So Connor ran away instead of getting put in the system" stated Jude knowing exactly how scared Connor was. Before anything else could be said Jude got up to leave as Stef said " I'm sorry Honey". As Jude heard her say that he blew up " No! you're not sorry"! As he got into the kitchen he got even louder " None of you know how it feels to be a foster kid! None of you know how much crap we go threw! That's why he ran away"! As he walked up to the child support guy he pointed at him as he yelled " And it's all your fault"! " Where are you going" yelled Stef as Jude walked out of the house! " I'm going after him" stated Jude! " You don't know where you're going" said Lena! " Even though we're not together any more I still know everything about his including where he is" stated Jude before he started walking again.

Jude's POV:

People think that just because you break up with someone that you don't care about them anymore . But that can't be any father from the truth because if one things for sure it's that I will forever care about Connor no matter what happens. As I get closer and closer to the woods that Connor and I use to go to all the time the sky began to get darker as it became night time. If there's one thing for sure it's that this is the place that Connor goes to when he wants to be alone.

General POV:

As Jude got to the park he stopped to listen for Connor's voice but what he didn't know was that Connor was to far into the woods for anyone to be able to hear him. As Jude started walking into the woods he knew for sure that he was going the right was because Connor had shown him his hiding sport a few times before. As he got to the hiding spot he saw the one and Connor sitting on the ground looking at his feet.

" What do you want" asked Connor as he saw Jude sitting down next to him? " I want you to know that even though we're not together anymore that I still care about you" said Jude as he patting Connor on his back. " They're going to take me away from you" stated Connor wishing that is wasn't true. " You don't know that" said Jude still having hope that he wouldn't leave. " I have no one else to live with" said Connor almost crying. " You have my family" said Jude trying to make Connor smile. " They won't take me in and even if they did it would only be temporary" said Connor. Before Jude could say anything else he got a text and checked it. " We have to go home" said Jude as he got up helping Connor up. " Apparently they want to talk to us about something" said Jude as he showed Connor his text.

As Jude and Connor got to his house they walked in scared about what was going to be said.

" Before you can say anything. I'm not letting you take Connor away me" said Jude stopping Stef from what she was about to say. " I know" said Stef surprising Jude and Connor as they both said " You know" in unison. " Which is why we're going to be adoption Connor" said Lena causing Connor to cry. " What else would we do with Jesus's old bed" said Stef trying to make a sad moment into something funny. " What's gonna happen if they get back together won't that be just like when Callie and Brandon dated" asked Mariana confused as to how what would work? " We never thought of that" said Lena feeling like the adoption wouldn't work. " I could see if Mike would adopt him" said Brandon walking back into the room with a can of Sprite. " Would you really do that for me" asked Connor not thinking that Brandon cared about him. " Of course" said Brandon leaving the room.

A Few Minutes Later

" He said he'll adopt Connor but it's going to take a few weeks because something about a foster license . So he's going to have to stay here for a while. Is that ok" asked Brandon walking back into the room. " Of course it is" said Stef messing with Connor's hair. " Thank you so much" said Connor giving Stef and Lena the biggest hug possible as he started to cry and smile. As that happened Callie walked up to Jude who was sitting in the kitchen eating a sandwich. " Are you ok with Connor being adopted by Mike" asked Callie talking to Jude. " Why wouldn't I. It's not like we would be foster brothers. We could still date if we wanted to" said Jude as Callie gave him a " Do you want to date him again" look. " Which I don't" said Jude somewhat lying. " Well if you do I'd tell him" said Callie as she rubbed his head. " Just remember I'm here for you no matter what" said Callie as she walked away leaving Jude to think as he saw everyone hugging a very happy Connor. At that moment Jude couldn't help but smile knowing that Connor is happy for the first time in a long time and that it's all because of him.

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