Chapter 7

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I don't really know what came over me. I just felt like I had to protect Perrie from the world, which surprisingly made me feel quite good inside.

Once we reached ITV studios, I placed my hand on her slightly bigger thigh and rubbed my thumb over it, to assure her everything will be ok. It must have worked because she flashed me a quick smile before getting out of the car.

Once we had entered the door into the studios, after taking a few pictures with fans and a few for the dreaded paparazzi, we were backstage and I was starting to get a little nervous. For some reason, most interviewers tend to bring up relationships. It's like they don't even care about anything else, not even our awesome new album..

I wonder what would happen if both Perrie and I told them we were single. I know it would be a lot worse for Perrie as her 'relationship' is high-profile, but management wouldn't be able to take back what we said, would they? I should probably ask Perrie.

"Hey Pez, can I speak with you a minute?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure, hang on" She said, finishing her conversation with one of the producers.

"How bad do you think it would get for the media and management if we told Alan Carr if he asks later on his show that we are both single?" I asked. She took a while to respond, I wasn't surprised, I did just ask her quite a big question.

"Badly, but they won't be able to tale it back will they? Lets just try and avoid relationship questions for the Loose Women interview, and perhaps talk to management in the time we have free before Chatty Man? We aren't telling them we are going on a date though right?" She asked.

"No we don't have to admit we are going on a date together, but for some reason I just want to tell everyone I'm single" I laughed.

"Sure, but I think we have to go in now, but hey, lets just try to avoid it for now, huh?" She told me.


I thought about what Jade said. How much trouble would we get in? I doubt she'd get in any, but I'm the one in a fake relationship that management has made us do. My thoughts were cut short as we were told that our interview was about to start.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, PLEASE WELCOME... LITTLE MIX!" One of the interviewers announced to both the camera and the audience. I was struggling to step up onto the interview area, so Jade being the gentlewomen she is, gave me her hand to help me up. I smiled at her and took a seat, which happened to be next to her also.

"Hi girls, how are we?" One of the interviewers asked.

"We're good thanks" Leigh-Anne answered for all of us.

"So Jesy, how is my future daughter in-law doing?" Another asked.

"I'm very good thanks Coleen, how are you?" She smiled, obviously being very close to her.

"So, you guys happy in the rest of your relationships?" The first interviewer asked.

"We're all very happy" I said smiling at Jade, which would appear friendly to everyone else. She smiled at me too. We both knew that I am referring to our relationship, and not mine with Zayn and hers with Toby.

I must have zoned out for a while, because I remember coming back to reality as Jade shook my shoulders, telling me we had to perform our most recent single called 'Black Magic'. We took our places and the song began.

As the song was finishing, and Jade was singing her final 'Magic' line, we became lost in each others eyes for what felt like the millionth time. We both started to lean in before we heard the crowd erupt in the sound of clapping and cheering. We then realised what we were doing and pulled away from each other. I think we managed to get away with it as nobody said anything or acted strange around us. Close call!

We made our way out of the studio into the lounge of the ITV studios as we had a pre-recorded chat show interview in a couple of hours, so there is no point in leaving and coming back. I took the chance to talk to Jade about what we discussed earlier. "Hey, can I talk to you real quick?" I asked her hoping that she would say yes.

"Yeah sure" she said taking me to this corner of the room so nobody could hear us, "what's up?" She asked.

"I don't think we should call management just yet with all of this you know? I think we should go on a date or two first, see what happens. I don't think we should tell management we are both gay and going on a date in a phone call.." I blurted out to her.

"Hey gorgeous" she said to be getting me to stop speaking. Hang on, she called me gorgeous.. I don't think I have ever felt so much for someone before! "I agree, perhaps we should meet with them on Sunday, like the day after our date" she said whilst poking my nose with her finger.

"Done" I said giving her a massive hug. I really wanted to kiss her right now, but we are in a corner of a very busy room, and that would be impossible.


I noticed Jade and Perrie talking in the corner of the room and decided to nudge Leigh-Anne. She noticed too and said to me "there is definitely something going on between them two".

Before I could say anything they both returned as if nothing happened.

I need to figure this out..

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