Chapter 33 - The Wedding

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3rd Person P.O.V

Rushing around the hotel room, Jade quickly started to finish collecting the jewellery needed to complete her wedding suit.

After putting the accessories on, she took a moment to look at her currently empty ring finger, and smiled.

I'm getting married today, she thought.

After checking herself in the mirror for what was probably the 10th time, she decided she was ready and started making her way downstairs to meet her family, and head in over to the Castle.

Perrie on the other hand, was having a slightly less easy time.

"But what is she is having second thoughts?" She asked, panicking.

"Are you serious right now?" Jesy replied, after being dragged to Perrie's hotel room due to the slight breakdown.

"I just can't believe I'm getting married to the women of my dreams," Perrie told Jesy,

Jesy smiled, indicating to Perrie to give her a hug.

"And I'm happy for you Pez, but if you don't hurry up you are not going to have a bride," Jesy said, flattening out Perrie's dress.

"Let's do this," Perrie said more to herself, and heading towards the car to take her to the Castle too.

Upon arrival, Jade greeted all of the guests (she guessed it was around 100) and waited at the end of the isle, giving Debbie a big smile.

Debbie returned it tearfully, and Jonnie and Caitlyn gave her a set of thumbs up, along with Perrie's dad Alex who gave her a good luck wink.

Suddenly, the sound of "Wedding March" was heard throughout the Castle beautifully played on the organ, and Jade knew it was time.

Turning her head towards the door, she saw the most beautiful bride, wearing a stunning white tight fitting wedding dress, being escorted by Alex down the isle.

She mumbled a "wow" under her breath, and looked towards he parents who gave back a simple smile of approval.

Perrie and Alex slowly walking towards the end of the isle felt like hours to both Perrie and Jade, but in reality it was no longer than a minute or two.

Alex placed a tender kiss on his daughters forehead, telling her that she had "found the one".

Alex then gave Jade a quick hug, and handed Perrie's hand into Jade's waiting one.

"You looks absolutely gorgeous," Perrie told Jade, giving her a loving smile.

"So do you my princess," Jade replied, referring to the Castle around them also.

"We are gathered here today," is all either of them heard from the priest as they were far more engrossed with each other.

"And the couple have decided to write their own vows,  Perrie would you like to go first?" The priest asked, bringing the couple back into the world.

"Yeah," Perrie said clearing her throat, "from our X factor audition, I knew Jade was special. Now that I look back on it, it was love at first sight to be honest." She said, as the guests smiled. "You're stunning, gorgeous and beautiful on the inside and out, and I was so scared to admit my feelings for you, but luckily you kind of did that first," she admitted, getting a round of laughter from the guests, "you've made me feel grounded, like I'm not just a girl in a band. And I will never be able to thank you enough for that. I am so in love with you, and I always will be." She finished, wiping a tear from herself and also her brides cheek.

"And you Jade?" The priest asked.

"How am I supposed to top that?" Jade said out loud, making others chuckle. "Ok, baby you are honestly the most beautiful, hilarious person I have ever met. You have an incredible ability to lighten up a room by just walking through the door, and that's one of the many reasons why I am in love with you. I felt so empty before, but when I admitted my feelings for you and you said you felt the same, a warmness filled my stomach which hasn't left since we became a couple. I can't wait to do the whole thing with you babe, the kids, the everything. I love you with all my heart, and I always will." She finished, wiping a few start tears from her brides face.

"If we could have the rings please," the priest instructed.

The two girls slid the rings onto each other's fingers.

They both decided to go for a matching silver band, with diamonds in the middle all the way around.

Smiling at their now ringed entwined hands, they both looked up at each other at the same time, with a loving, content smile on their face.

"And I now pronounce you as wife and wife," the priest declared, earning even bigger smiles, "you may now kiss one another!"

He didn't even finish the sentence before Perrie grabbed Jade by the face and planted a passionate kiss on her wife's lips.

Jade wrapped her arms around Perrie's waist, and as the kiss broke they smiled at each other with the background noise of clapping and cheers.

"That's so going on social media later," Jesy smirked at the photo, where she captured the moment the newlyweds kissed for the first time.

"Hey," Leigh-Anne joked, smacking her on the arm.

Jade and Perrie walked back down the isle holding hands, and listening to the congratulations from the guests.

Making it into the car to head to the reception, Jade received the picture from Jesy, and with the approval of Perrie, posted them on the internet.

@LittleMix: Officially Mrs&Mrs Thirlwall🎉👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👭💍🏰 [picture attached]

They also posted the picture on their individual accounts.

Unsurprisingly, the post became the most popular on all accounts, making the girls chuckle.

The girls kept the reception pretty simple, with food and dancing.

"And now it's time for the first dance," the DJ announced, getting the newlyweds to rise from their seats along with cheers from the guests, "Jade has specifically requested this song,"

A confused look spread across Perrie's face, until "Nothing Feel's Like You" came on, and Perrie smiled into Jade's chest.

"You're such a romantic baba," Perrie laughed, as the guests watched them.

"I know, but you love me for it," Jade replied, smirking.

"I do, and I always will," Perrie informed her, planting a kiss on her lips.

Here's to the rest of their lives.

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