Chapter 23

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Several months later...

Today is the start of the get weird tour in the UK. We honestly can not wait to get our third tour on the road again, it has been so long! I think we have like 30 dates to do, but to be honest who is counting.. All I know is that we will be on the road for the next 4 months.

"C'mon Princess, we have to leave early today!" I whispered into Perries ear. If you haven't already guessed, we are still in bed and we only have an our before the tour bus comes to pick us up.

"5 more minutes baba.." She managed to get out, before putting her face on the pillow.

"I gave you 5 more minutes an hour ago babe.." I laughed more to myself.

"No..." She dragged out.

"Fine, we'll just have to call the tickle monster." I told her, leaning over her and threatening to tickle her.

"No! I'm up!" She pretty much shouted, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"How about I make breakfast, and you pack the rest of our things?" I suggested, causing her to nod back at me.

"I love you baba" She randomly told me, smiling.

"I love you too princess" I said back, kissing her on the lips for a few seconds.

I walked downstairs, heading in to the kitchen to start preparing our breakfast. Perrie and I are huge fans of waffles, so I decided to cook them for us.

Just as I finished, I heard Perrie slowly coming down the stairs, in an one of my oversized jumpers, looking adorable.

"You made waffles?!" She asked, smiling brightly.

"Sure did!" I replied, handing her the plate I made for her.

We both sat down together, checking through our social media sites to see what's going on in the world. I know I shouldn't still be shocked by our mixers, but when I saw that hashtags relating to the get weird your were trending around the world, I couldn't help but be!

I decided to send out a tweet to our fans:

@LittleMix: Thanks for all of the support, we love you guys so much! Bring on the tour! - The girls xx

Once Perrie and I had finished our breakfast, we headed upstairs to get the suitcases for the tour.

"Is this enough stuff?" Perrie asked, cuddling into my side as I looked over the packing.

"Plenty enough!" I laughed wrapping my arm around her shoulder, so that she could cuddle into me better.

"We better get this downstairs for when the bus gets her." She suggested, letting go of me.

"Ok!" I replied, grabbing the slightly bigger of the two bags.

Just as we made it downstairs, the doorbell went, so I walked over to open it.

"Hey girls, are you ready to go?" Paul asked us.

"Yeah, that was good timing!" I told him, laughing to myself.

"Always on time for you girls!" He replied, as he has told us many of times that his favourite client to drive around is us.

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