Chapter 15

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Nat's P.O.V

Something was different today. I don't know what but I could feel that something was going to happen. I could tell if it was good or bad. I started walking over to the DX around 1pm to bring soda some lunch because I wanted to see him. Willow was there with Steve and Soda looked like he needed something to distract him from the extreme flirting going on.
"Hey, Honey!" He said as he noticed me coming in. He kissed my cheek and grabbed the bag I was carrying.
"You're too sweet." He smiled. "Hey come over here!" He pulled me behind the building.
"Look there's something I think we need to talk about."
"Oh." Was he breaking up with me?
"So, the last couple months have been great and I have this feeling when I'm around you that I can't explain. But I know it's good and means something." He paused.
"What I'm trying to say Nat, is umm.. I love you. Like a lot." He blushed
"Pepsi Cola, I love you too."
"Oh thank god." He laughed and picked me up twirling me around.

Willow's P.O.V

I'm so happy me and Steve can be public. I had spent the whole day with him. "Helping" fix the cars and stuff. I heard the familiar sound of the door being opened and I looked over to see who was heading to the DX station.
Oh shit. I recognize that girl. I hope Soda can handle this.

Nat's P.O.V

We were sharing a soda when a pretty blonde girl walked in. Soda had his head tuned away from the door but I know who she was. She recognized his uniform.
"Sodapop Curtis?"
He turned around. "Sandy?"
"Soda, I'm back."
Soda looked stunned. His ex girlfriend, the one who broke his heart.
"Umm... Hi Sandy." He just could not get the words out.
"Well? How are you?"
"I've been fine, you know since you left me broken hearted waiting for you. But it's whatever."
This was painful to watch.
"I'm sorry but it was not my idea, I wanted to call, I wanted to be your girl but I couldn't."
"You have a lot of nerve showing up here."
"There's something we should talk about, privately." She glared at me.
"Babe, could you give me a minute." Soda smile sweetly.
I exited but I could still hear everything.
"What do you want, Sandy?"
"I have a child, he's yours."
"Holy shit."
I wanted to die right there.
"He's four months old."
"No." Soda was so scared I could feel it.
" do you think we could get back together?"
"No, I'm in love with someone else."
"You don't know what love is."
I can't move.
"Sandy, I want to be apart of my child's life, but is it really mine."
"You can stay with my brothers if you need a place to stay."
"Thank you, I love you."
"Goodbye Sandy."
She left, I ran out my my eyes full of tears. He turned to me and started to cry. He wrapped me up in his arms and we sat down.
"I'm sorry. I can't not be with her but I still love you."
"I understand it just hurts so bad." I kissed his forehead and ran home.

Willow's P.O.V
Soda came out of the store with tear stained cheeks.
"What wrong?" Steve asked.
"Sandy has a kid. It's mine. I have a kid." He was all choked up.
"Oh my god." I was stunned.

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