Chapter 2
I groaned loudly as my alarm blared, its shrill tones piercing through the cozy comfort of my duvet. Desperate for a few more seconds of peace, I pulled the blanket over my head.
But deep down, I knew I couldn't afford to ignore it. If I was late again, the school would slap my name on the late report. That meant a week of monitored attendance and a stern warning for my parents.
Considering my punctuality last term was abysmal—and I was already one bad day away from a dreaded letter home—I didn't want to risk it. Thankfully, my charm (and the universe's occasional mercy) had kept my parents blissfully unaware of my near-miss last term.
With a reluctant sigh, I yawned and stretched, my fingers grazing the edge of my nightstand. As I sat up, I caught sight of the open blinds across the street. His blinds.
His room was neat—too neat. The kind of tidy that screamed either "control freak" or "unbearably perfect human." I pitied anyone who had to work with him. Or worse, date him. Not that I cared.
Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my phone, checking for notifications or juicy celebrity gossip to distract me. The silence was unbearable, so I quickly connected to my Bluetooth speaker, blasting Oh Wonder - Landslide at full volume. The music instantly lifted my mood as I danced my way to the bathroom.
After brushing my teeth and washing my face with grapefruit cleanser, I peered into the mirror. Not bad today, I thought, grateful that my hair hadn't transformed into a bird's nest overnight. I straightened it out and styled it into a high ponytail, teasing the crown for a little extra volume.
Today wasn't just any day—it was the first day back at school. My first shot to outshine her.
She was the embodiment of my high school nemesis: stealing my friends, sabotaging my social life, and generally being a thorn in my side. But this year? This was my year. I wasn't about to let her win.
I rifled through my closet, finally settling on skinny blue jeans and a bold red turtleneck. A few strokes of eyeliner and a touch of blush later, I spritzed on my favorite perfume and laced up my wedged boots. For the final touch, I shrugged on my brown leather jacket. It wasn't just a jacket—it was armor, the kind that made me feel like I could take on the world.
I paused at the mirror, admiring the final product. "Not bad, Emma," I said to my reflection with a smirk, grabbing my bag, books, phone, and trusty earphones.
Downstairs, the smell of chocolate and strawberries greeted me. My mom had plated up waffles, drizzled generously with chocolate sauce.
"Mum! You're seriously the best!" I cheered, practically bouncing as I sat down. "First day back and I get waffles? You spoil me."
She chuckled, setting down a cup of coffee just as I was about to ask for it. But before I could thank her, she leveled me with that look. The one that always preceded a lecture.
"Emma, I'm serious. Study hard this term, okay? If I get even one complaint, one report, or a grade lower than a D..." She trailed off, but her meaning was clear.
I smirked, shrugging. "Fine, you can take my phone. I'll survive."
She grinned, a little too smugly. "Oh, don't worry. I'll ban chocolate too."
My heart stopped. "You wouldn't."
Her smile widened. "Try me."
Before I could respond, the honk of a car horn saved me from further torment.
"Bye, Mum!" I called, grabbing my bag. "And don't worry. I'll stay out of trouble! But remember: chocolate is love. Chocolate is life."
Her laugh followed me out the door.
Outside, Beth was waiting in her sleek Audi R8, wearing oversized shades and looking like she'd stepped straight out of a fashion magazine. I slid into the passenger seat and threw my arms around her.
"Beth! You look amazing as always. Do you ever have a bad day?"
She smirked, flicking her sunglasses down just enough to give me a knowing look. "Emma, darling, life is art. I'm the canvas. Why settle for just being Beth when I can be Bethany Gracie Donovan, future supermodel?"
I rolled my eyes but couldn't help laughing. "Alright, Picasso. But you'll never believe what happened yesterday."
"What?! Emma blushing? What has the world come to?!" she gasped dramatically.
I swatted at her arm, blushing harder as I recounted the mortifying window incident—and Jax's infuriatingly perfect smirk and wink.
"Girl, you have to invite me over. I need to see this man for myself," she said, fanning her face.
"Forget it," I muttered. "He's probably taken. Besides, he's not interested in me."
Beth grinned, clearly not convinced, but she let it go as we arrived at school.
Inside, the main office buzzed with the chaos of first-day logistics. I flashed my signature smile at Mrs. Wayne, the school receptionist.
"Hi, Mrs. Wayne! How are you?"
"Oh, darling, I'm fine! But you know, no rest when you're dealing with kids," she laughed.
Lady, I am a kid. I can't relate, I thought but smiled politely.
"Could I grab my timetable? And Beth's too?" I asked sweetly, batting my lashes for good measure.
Mrs. Wayne handed them over with a smile, and I thanked her profusely before turning to Beth. She was glued to her phone, her eyes wide with excitement.
"Em!" she squealed, nearly dropping her phone. "There's a hot new teacher in our English class!"
I snorted. "How do you even know that?"
"Isabella told Thais, who told Hannah, who told me," she said, popping her gum.
"That's airtight evidence," I said sarcastically.
Beth smirked. "Want to bet? If he's tall and hot, you owe me £20."
"Deal," I said confidently. "We never get good-looking teachers."
Famous last words.
When I walked into English class that day, I realised just how wrong I was.
To Be Continued...
Thanks for all the reads and votes! It means a lot, but all I really want to say is enjoy and I'll be updating sooner! 😊
This chapter was so fun to write! 🤓
Kisses & hugs ❤️

The Hottie Next Door
Romance[COMPLETED] Dancing around in my underwear to Taylor Swift seemed like the perfect way to unwind-until I spotted my new neighbor staring from across the street. Did I mention he's ridiculously hot? Or that he saw everything? It couldn't get more awk...