OMG did I just kiss my teacher, Jax, my neighbour.
A knock was heard from the front door. I froze.
Silence. Again Silence.
I looked at Jax who was in the same state as me, breathless and sunken into the sofa.
"Should you not get the door"
"Why should I bother to get the door when we could continue what we were doing" he said as he came closer to me.
"Seriously" I nudged him and pointed at the door.
"Urgh fine" I laughed as he shuffled his way over to the door like a stubborn teen.
I heard the door open and with a few muffled voices I paid no attention, but then a familiar voice could be heard and now getting louder.
"Where is Emma?" I heard an angry voice say
"None of your business, go home kid" Jax said in his teacher voice
"Don't tell me what to do" I heard heavy footsteps enter the room.
I stood up facing him his eyes locked into mine, I stared at him bewildered, he can't see me at Jax's house, I won't be able to graduate, Jax will probably go into jail for being in the same place as a student after scholl hours. I groaned, good going Ewan! My life will be over being stuck in this utterly dumb love triangle.
Just as I was about to think of a way to escape this awkward and dumb scenario. I saw a text appear on my phone.
"Hello Emma, I just arrived inside, I am making your favourite pasta. I finished earlier than expected so hurry up and you can invite that scrumptious neighbour of ours." I shook my head in disgust, but I can't really be disgusted cause I did kiss that scrumptious neighbour.
"Hi" I sheepishly said.
"Emma I'm so glad to see that you're okay"
"Ewan, I didn't get kidnapped so chill."
"Yeah well you didn't reply to my text messages...So I got worried." he moved closer to me.
"Errrrr...that's great but I really have to go so bye." I picked my bag up and scrammed to the door.
I turned my head to hear these two no's coming from the same people who disliked each other. I looked at them to see them glare at each other after saying these words. I smiled slightly at this sight of one grown man arguing with an 18 year old. I stopped smiling once they looked at me.
"Well I can agree this conversation can be continued another day once again bye" I shut the door behind me and shuddered thinking of the hostile environment inside that room. Well I didn't even finish my juice.
I walked to my house that was legit right next door, well that didn't even take me more than 2 minutes, I opened the door and was hit with the smell of fresh tomatoes.
"Muuuummmm I'm home" I said very loudly.
"Put your bag down and eat dinner sweetheart. Don't forget to wash your hands" I groaned.
I walked over to the kitchen sink and grabbed some anti bacterial hand wash, rubbed my hands until I saw white foam. I looked above the sink to see a manual of how to wash your hands properly. I cleaned my hands with towel after washing them with water.
"Mum have you seen my keys by any chance, I'm pretty sure I took them this morning." I pulled my seat back so I could sit down at the dining table.
"Of course I have" She pulled my keys out of her jeans and danggled them in the air.
"You left them on the side counter next to the door, what would have we done without our helpful neighbour."
"You shouldn't trust people so easily mum he could be a serial killer for all we know." I said munching on my pasta.
"Well, if he does try anything, I can always put him in hospital within a second and he wouldn't even realise, besides he's your teacher so I know he wouldn't really jeopardise his career to kill you."
"wha- mum how do you know he's my teacher?! I never told you that" I said in shock.
"I might have done a record search in the hospital on him, and also he came to register his health card. So after I found out he came in and I asked where he worked and he told me. It's not that a big deal Emma. Don't be overdramatic. Instead of spending energy in being shocked and asking so many questions, you should clean your room and do some chores."
I groaned, why does every conversation end in nagging? I quickly ate my pasta and cleaned up after my self, I washed my dishes and the cups in the sink.
"Mum I'm going upstairs to study." by the time I said that I was already on the top of the staircase.
"That's fine, I'll be downstairs watching my favourite show."
I opened my room and inhaled the vanilla scent that I always sprayed. I sighed in bliss, this feels like home. I started peeling my clothes off and and grabbed any trousers and shirt. I liked the cold feeling of the clothes when I wore them. I jumped into bed, I threw some of my cushions on the floor and I picked my phone from the side.
"Let's see shall we" I opened my phone to see messages, instagram notifications and facebook reminders.
Wow I should delete all these notifications, I opened my email and saw so many emails. Delete.Click.Delete. Click. In harmony that I was clicking with and deleting, I was now finished with sorting my mail and my phone out.
I looked at the new notification on my phone.
-Daily horoscope! Find your love right now!- did I really want to look at some rubbish some random person has written and for me to base my life on this advice.
Click. Curiosity got the best of me.
-Daily horoscope!-
With alignment of your stars with mercury, today has been a very eventful day for you. Your emotions have run high and with the help of the stars you may have had a very fiery night.
Your day has had bad moments but the feeling of falling in love has overcome any obstacles you may have faced. With the help of a familiar face that you know very well you have been able to lend help to each other.
The stars are in your favour.
What in the world did I just read. Did I seriously waste my time on this crap. Yes I did. Ergh whatever I seriously can't be asked. I guess I'll just have to sleep earlier than usual. At this point my head hurt and I was seriously over thinking things.
I got under my duvet and snuggled against my pillow.
Tap. Tap. Tap
Omg who is in crazy idiot tapping. I covered my ears.
Tap. Tap. Tap
I am so not getting up, no matter what I won't open my window.
In Theory I won't get up but in reality I would; what should I pick?
Bonus chapter! Hope you all enjoy this chapter don't forget to give this a vote and comment who do you think is at the window.
Thank you for all the love <3
I will update sooner and with much longer chapters.
kisses & hugs

The Hottie Next Door
Romance[COMPLETED] Dancing around in my underwear to Taylor Swift seemed like the perfect way to unwind-until I spotted my new neighbor staring from across the street. Did I mention he's ridiculously hot? Or that he saw everything? It couldn't get more awk...