Locked out

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"What's possible..." he said smiling

"If I could...stay at your house for a while?"


"Sure" he said whilst holding the door he nodded for me to come inside.

I grabbed my bag and placed it on my shoulder. With heavy footsteps I entered his house. I first looked around and made sure that there was no one there to witness me going into my teachers house. Once I entered the threshold, I heard the door close with a light thud, I shuddered.

As I walked through his hallway it was weirdly in a bright yellow colour and there were pictures hanged on the wall of his family and of places he had visited. As I reached the end I saw a small living room with a tv and play station on it, so not surprised, what boy doesn't have a game controller. I took my bag and placed it on the side of the sofa. I took a seat and rubbed my hands against my jeans to stop the awkward silence as I looked around the room.

Amused Jax had been behind me and watched from the doorway with a smile on his face. I sheepishly looked at him, I watched him come closer and closer. I gulped his face was an inch away from mine, omg he's seriously going to hit on me in his home I thought. I slightly closed my eyes pursed my lips. I waited and waited but I met with a silence and coldness. I opened my eyes to see Jax take the TV remote and kicked his feet up on the table. Annoyed I sat back into the sofa hoping he didn't see me closing my eyes.

"You know if you want me to kiss you, you can say it more than welcome to." His voiced echoed in my head.

Did I really want to kiss him? My teacher who annoys the hell out of me? The hottie next door? The guy who gives me detentions for fun? I shook my head and thought no way there's no way I'll fall for him let alone kiss him.

"You wish." I said sarcastically.

I texted my mum to let her know I was with Jax. I thought she would scold me but little did I know she said it was fine. Urgh parents are so unpredictable. My whole life my mum was strict with me curfews this curfews that, who are you with what time will you back a call every so often. I mean I know she cares but it's a bit suffocating.

I was stuck with my thoughts when I saw Jax place juice down in front of me. I snapped out of my thoughts and laughed.

"I'm not five Jax." I laughed again at the juice in front of me.

He froze, his movements became slow, he blinked a few times. Before I knew it he was next to me. Like a vampire he moved so fast and was beside me.

"Say that again" I blinked

"Say what?"

"My name"

I gulped, I breathed a deep breath, his breath I could feel on my neck and his cologne I was inhaling was making me dazed, I looked into his eyes that were hazy, I place my hand on his shoulder, I moved closer to him. Slowly I leaned my head onto his shoulder.


Those three words. That was it. That was the moment when gave into his scent and his body heat. I felt a hand pressed against my back and pulled me closer into his arms. Next thing I knew was his warms lips against mine. The melted against mine, in sync I followed his lead. My hands made its way into his hair and moved in harmony to his lips. I quietly moaned.

Before I knew it I needed air. I pulled back and gasped for air, I collapsed back into the seat. I was burning hot, I felt the room suddenly became a sauna, I blinked.

OMG did I just kiss my teacher, Jax, my neighbour.

A knock was heard from the front door. I froze.


I am so so sorry to all those waiting and waiting patiently for a new chapter, I was in a serious case of a writers block, I didn't know what I wanted from this book or what the characters needed.

Don't worry, I have finally found purpose of this book and these characters. I am sorry once again to my readers.

I will be updating soon, probably on the Wednesday.

Thank you so much for the support and love whilst I was gone for more than 5 months. I hope to continue this book with longer chapters and more funny moments.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and share❤️

Q: what is your funniest moment in this book?

Kisses & Hugs

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