So me and Jax are having a study date? In my house in which he will come over and we will actually be a thing?!
Yeah okay, sure, this is so not illegal or anything, haha, well technically I'll be 18 in a month. Yeah...
Maybe I should just tell him to wait till I'm older? I worried about my age and considered telling him that this was not okay, but I wanted to try this, age was just a number and in 10 years time I would be 28 and he would be 32.
I lifted my leg off the table and waddled off the couch, I straightened my arms and limply walked to the stairs. Right, I can either sit and go up or I will have to hop up, hmm the less dangerous option was too sit and go up.
As I sat down and started my journey up the stairs I heard a jingle of keys against my door and the lock click. The door opened to reveal Beth, her mouth dropped and she quickly came to my side."What in the world"
"Yeah I know, it's a really long story, lol I got injured"
" yeah that's such a long story, so that's why you didn't come in."
I nodded and grabbed her arm for support, with Beth as my makeshift crutch I easily climbed up and got to my room. The brown oak flooring seemed to be shining even more after being so near to it.
"I have a study date"
"Whatttt how did this happen in a day?!" Beth plopped onto my bed and kicked her shoes off whilst I settled in the bean bag near my closet on the left hand corner.
"Haha, it's someone you know"
"Ooooo, Ewan? Perhaps?" She said raising her eyebrows up and down
" oh no way, I mean he's cute but too flirty" I scratched my head and wondered should I just fuck it and tell her or should I keep this a secret.
"It's Jax"
"Lol who?" Ah right she didn't know Mr Daniel's first name.
"Mr Daniel"
"Emma you mean our teacher who's a freakin' cutie"
"Yeah ofcourse!"
"Study date. My room. Tonight."
"Well, I can't help with your clothes but I can curl your hair and clean your room."
So, I decided not to ever ask Beth for help as she fussed for over an hour over different make up pallets and what look I should go for. If I wanted a sexy smokey eye or a girly pink look or for a white eyeliner vibe.
"Please can you just do it"
"Girl if you don't be quiet I'm legit leaving"
"Okay okay fine"
"Andddddd done" wow that took long as she finally finished her sexy brown smokey eye look for me.
"Kill him girl." She winked at me, I gave her a weird look and she replied saying "not literally gosh"
The doorbell rang, oh my gosh it's him!
"It's him!"
"Okay I will open the door and vanish. Good luck"
Okay it's fine he's just teaching me stuff, it's cool. I breathed in and out and in and out and in and ohhhh he's walking up the stairs, he's here. I thought
The door opened and a casual Jax walked in with a white shirt and blue jeans. He saw my leg and walked towards the edge of my bed and sat down facing me.
"Hello" well this is awkward
"I brought you some breakfast bars to snack on whilst studying"
Wait was he acc going to teach me? I thought it was a disguise, oh great I actually have to pay attention.
" so we're studying?"
" I can't believe this" I groaned and sank down into my bean bag.
"Come on, we can study on your bed""Weird flex but okay"
"Haha, you seriously have seen too many memes and have not studied enough"
"What's the topic?" He took some books out of his bag and placed them onto my sheets
" Romeo and Juliet"
"Fine" I pushed my hand down the bag to get up, I hopped over to the edge of the bed and swivelled to the end sitting on the corner of the bed. It's better to keep a distance I thought.
Page after page after page after page, boredom after boredom after boredom, I yawned for the fifth time now, this was so not a date, this was a study torture session.
"It's about young love which is restricted by families of different backgrounds" he looked at me and I followed his gaze to lips
"Young love huh" I whispered this and I felt him move closer to me, closer and closer until our faces were a few cm apart.
"I know how you feel and if you don't want to do this then I understand, just say the word and we will be nothing more than teacher and student."
"Emma, it's okay" he moved slightly back and this moment I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me.
I felt his lips crash into mine, his hands gripped my shoulders and stared to move up to my neck, as his lips tackled mine we both were struggling to keep up. I slid my hands into his shirt and let my fingers untangle his tiny curls.I pulled back for air, gasping I said "first and last"
"What do you mean?" Jax said as he reached out to me.
"I'm sorry but I wanted to try this and I did. But in all honestly, I need a some time. At least until I graduate, this means that you won't be jeopardised at school and I won't feel so guilty about this."
"I understand, I'll wait for you. Don't worry about me and us. If you need me or any help I'm next door, a call and a classroom away"
"Thank Jax, I really appreciate it." I smiled at him.
"Honey?" Oh-
I looked at Jax in shock, my eyes widened. Is that my mum. Shit! She's early.
"Who's shoes are these? They look like men shoes hm?" Oh damnnnn itttt.
"Leave through the window, or jump out or I don't know just hide or something?!"
"I could just let her know I'm teaching you"
"No way mister, you're cute but technically this is not allowed and whilst my mum is away!"
"Honey?" I heard her voice getting closer and closer, her steps getting louder and louder.
She opened the door to see...
Thank you all! Love the support and all the comments, I've just realised that whilst I was inactive on wattpad for at least a year soooo many of you have commented on the past chapters. I'm so sorry if I haven't been replying to your comments.
I love the sense of humour you guys have and I'm glad you enjoy mine! Although some of you have had some problems with my writing, I am sorry if I have offended anyone with my work. This is not my intention and if you would like I can edit those chapters.
I hope you all have a very nice day! Stay safe!❤️❤️❤️
Q: any dramas you guys are watching?
A: I am currently watching Ertugrul on Netflix and I have finished oh my baby!
(If I could get a man like Go Joon😍🙉)KISSES AND HUGS

The Hottie Next Door
Romance[COMPLETED] Dancing around in my underwear to Taylor Swift seemed like the perfect way to unwind-until I spotted my new neighbor staring from across the street. Did I mention he's ridiculously hot? Or that he saw everything? It couldn't get more awk...