Chapter 1

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Connor glanced over at the clock, he squinted as he could make out the numbers 1:57 am. "Damnit" Connor muttered to himself as he realized that he had just been on Tumblr for the last three hours. He squinted at his phone when he saw a message pop up from his best friend, Tyler. He picked up his phone and began reading,

From: Tyler
Hey Con I was wondering if tomorrow you might want to come meet me for lunch at the café then maybe we can go shopping?😏

Connor rolled his eyes at that because Tyler knew that he hated shopping. Connor responded,

From: Connor
Sure! But pleaseee don't make me shop for five hours like last time!😂

From: Tyler
Connor come on! Gay people are supposed to enjoy shopping.😉

From: Connor
Tyler! You better not tell anyone stop joking about it, that is the biggest secret I have and I trust you with it.

From: Tyler
Don't get your panties in a wad. I'll pick you up around 11 tomorrow alright?

From: Connor
Sure, see you then.

Of course Connor knew he could trust Tyler, after all the had been best friends all their lives. They also conveniently lived down the street from each other.

Last month Connor had finally gotten the courage up to tell Tyler that he was gay, since Tyler was also gay. Besides, Tyler was the only person he could tell. He was not on good terms with his parents, he didn't have any siblings, and he didn't have any other close enough friends to trust them with that information.

"Hopefully I'll make some friends," Connor thought as he realized that in less than a month that he would be going to Tyler's school, but then he remembered that he was cursed. He was cursed with anxiety, cursed with depression, and making friends was no easy task for him.

His brilliant green eyes stared at the ceiling as he wished he had Tyler's confidence. His best friend was always dying his hair and never gave a single fuck what anyone else thought. Even just being around Tyler could make you feel like you can do anything. He is so positive with the best sense of humor Connor had ever met. Connor couldn't ask for a better best friend.

Since he couldn't sleep and it was nearly 2 am, he got out of bed and picked out his outfit for tomorrow. He looked through his closet and finally settled on some black skinny jeans and his favorite maroon shirt with some boots he hadn't gotten the chance to wear yet. He sat his clothes on his dresser and got back in bed.

As he laid down he checked his Twitter and put his headphones in as he fell asleep to the sound of Oh Wonder, his favorite artist, singing in his ear.

Oh won't you be my livewire, make me feel like I'm set on fire. Your love will take me higher and higher. Oh won't you be my livewire, my livewire.

Author's note
Hey guys I don't really expect anyone to read this but what ever. This is my first fanfic and yes i know that it is really rough. I'm trying my best though I promise. Anyways here is a short little intro chapter I guess nothing really happened but yeah😂

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