Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi! Thanks for clicking on Finding Madeline! This is one of the first stories I wrote so its not my best work. I've worked to improve since this story, but you should give this one a chance. Yes, the writing is not the best but I really like the storyline it develops into. Enjoy!


I walked in through Valley High's large blue and yellow double doors. I pulled my schedule out of my brand new hot pink backpack. I tried to ignore the stares and whispers I received from passing students. I looked down at my schedule and tried to figure out which direction room 262 was.

"Uh hi um where's room-" I stuttered. The person I tried to stop just continued walking like I didn't even exist. I hated this. I wish more than anything that my dad would've never gotten this new job.

"Everyone I need to make an announcement," My dad had exclaimed with excitement to my family.

"I've been promoted!" He shouted with a grin. I was extremely happy for him. He had been wanting to be promoted for a few months now.

"But...we have to move to California. Your mother and I have discussed this and have decided that we're going to do this."

My little sister and I stared at them with disbelief. Were they seriously going to just move us all the way across the country?

"We're leaving Monday morning so please start packing your stuff."

Monday morning! That was in 3 days! I glared at my parents with my mouth dropped. I didn't even know what to say I was in such shock. There was no way I was just going to drop everything and move. It just wasn't going to happen!

However, it did. So now I am completely alone with no friends starting sophomore year in the middle of February. Great.

I began walking forward and spotted classroom 201. Obviously classroom 262 was far away so I fast walked to the end of the hall only to discover classroom 220. I looked around and didn't see any more classrooms in the 200's. I felt myself tearing up.

No I can't cry right now not in front of everyone! I thought to myself.

I blinked hard and fast to keep the tears from falling.

Where's the darn bathroom?! I thought as I frantically looked around. Of course, while I was looking in a panic, I just so happened to smack right into some guy.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I yelled.

The second bell rang and everyone was in class except for us two. I was late on my first day! Tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"Oh hey are you okay?" He asked.

I tried to avoid eye contact with him. I was so embarrassed.

"I-" I couldn't get words out without crying harder. "I'm sorry I'm new and everyone is talking about me and I'm lost and no one will talk to me and-"

"Hey, hey shhh calm down its okay," He said in a calming voice as he placed his hands on my shoulders and gave me a little shake.

I looked up at him and finally made eye contact. His eyes were a beautiful brown and he had fair skin with chestnut hair. We both stared at each other for a second which surprisingly calmed me down. I then broke the awkward silence once I got ahold of myself.

"I-I'm sorry I just need help finding room 262."

"Room 262! That's where I'm headed! Come with me." He said as we walked out of the building and to the next building over.

I gave a slight half smile as we walked. He was so kind. "Alright here's room 262!"

"Thank you so much! I am so sorry I was being so dramatic earlier I-I don't even know why I acted like that."

I was so embarrassed. This wasn't my normal self and I made a horrible first impression.

"No! Don't worry about it! Being new is hard, I understand." He said in his calming voice again.

I smiled and tucked my long carmel hair behind my ear. "Oh my gosh we are really late aren't we..."

I felt my face get white. I did not want to step foot in that classroom. I had to walk into a classroom and face the judgmental students in there. Everyone was going to stare at me and wonder why I was late. I fiddled with my backpack strap.

"Are you coming-uh-" He paused.

"Oh uh I'm"

"I'm Matt," He smiled at me. "You coming?"

He asked as he walked toward the classroom door. I breathed deep and took a step forward.

Okay I could do this, I thought. I nodded toward him and took a step forward into the unfamiliar classroom filled with unfamiliar faces and unpredictable thoughts.

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