Chapter 3

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I walked up to my room and my phone started buzzing. I sat down into my window seat and answered. It was a face time call from Matt.

We literally just saw each other why does he want to face time? I thought. When I picked up all I saw was black.

"Uh Matt?" Suddenly the camera moved and a note appeared. It read: Come alone tonight to the gazebo on 9th street at 8. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

I immediately hung up. Whatever sick joke this was, it wasn't funny. Of course I wasn't going to go meet some random person alone.

That night I locked all of my windows and doors and made sure everything was secure. Then I went to bed. I only felt a little nervous but I was confident that this was some silly joke. Suddenly I realized that a horror movie was filmed on 9th street. I suddenly felt a little more uneasy. I shook the feeling off, closed my eyes, and fell asleep.


The next morning I called Matt and asked him if he would pick me up. This could be a test. If he was the person giving me these suspicious notes, he might act strange or angry when I get in the car since I didn't meet him last night.

The doorbell rang and I jumped. I opened the door.

"Hey Madeline!" He said. He seemed happy and normal.

"Hey! How are you today?"

I figured I could try to outsmart him into admitting something. However, he answered normally.

When we got to school everyone was going about their normal behavior and routines. Hopefully this meant the person wasn't mad at me. But there was no guarantee that the person who is doing this is from my school. I shook that thought off.

In science my teacher told us that we were dissecting frogs. I completely forgot that we were supposed to bring anything. That stupid person distracted me from getting my school work done. I wasn't necessarily afraid, I was furious. This was getting annoying and stupid. I just wanted to find out who this person was and tell them to get out of my business.


I went a whole week without having something mysterious happen to me. Meanwhile I began to start crushing on Matt. He had such an amazing personality and was completely adorable too. I invited him over to study.

"So what do you want to do first?" He asked. Honestly I didn't want to study. I wanted to go hang out with him. But we did have tests coming up so I needed to use my time wisely.

"Uh, Precalculus," I replied.

"Ok! So use an addition formula to simplify..." As he said the math equation I couldn't focus. I wanted him to like me back so badly.

"Did you get that?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh what? Oh um sorry I zoned out, uh, what was it?" This time I listened.

"Do you really want to study right now?" He asked me.

"No not really," I said with a smile.

"Yah me either," He told me.

"Than what do you want to do?" I asked. We both stared at each other. Suddenly he moved in quickly and his lips touched mine. We kissed! I was overjoyed. Now I knew he felt the same way about me. The kiss felt right. Like we were meant to be.


The next day at school everything was great. He invited me on a date and the date was magical. He brought me to a fancy restaurant and I was able to wear my favorite dress and high heels. He wore a suit and we ate dinner. We both ordered the same thing and then talked away and got to know each other.

"Ok so if we're gonna be a thing now, I need you to come meet my dad," I explained.

"I would love to meet your parents," He replied. He was so respectful and amazing. I loved him.

The next day he met my parents and later my parents sat me down and told me that they thought he was a perfect match for me. I was so excited. I called him right away and told him this good news. Later I met his parents and both of his parents liked me too. Everything was going great. Until more strange things started happening.

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