Chapter 2

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The lunch bell finally rang. I stood right up and began to pack my stuff right away. I just wanted to have some free time to talk to some people. I just did not want to sit through classes anymore.

I fast walked to the cafeteria and bought my lunch. I glanced around the cafeteria.

Who should I hang out with? I thought all of a sudden.

Was I supposed to just walk up to a group of people? I looked around frantically. I wanted to disappear. I didn't know what to do and I felt my cheeks getting hot. Suddenly I felt and hand on my shoulder. I turned around to find Matt smiling at me.

"Hey! How were your first four classes?" He asked.

"Um...I made it through..."

He chuckled. "Well it'll get better. Why don't you come hang out with me and my friends? I could introduce you to some people."

"Thanks!" I was so relieved.

I followed him to a pretty green hill with nice park benches. I saw a group of boys on their phone yelling things like, "WOAH DUDE COOL MINECRAFT HOUSE!" and "JOIN MY CLAN!" I guessed they were the video game dudes.

In the distance I saw 5 girls all dressed in mini skirts and crop tops. Suddenly I felt uncomfortable in my casual jeans and a t-shirt outfit. Everyone was so different here. Suddenly I saw a group of girls and guys who started waving at Matt.

Those must be his friends, I thought to myself.

"Ooooh who's the hot girl?"

"Who are you?"

"Is this your girlfriend?"

Many of his friends whispered and pointed and I only could make out a few comments. My cheeks flushed. I was embarrassed and wanted to go crawl into a hole.

"Guys, guys...this is Madeline, she's new," He explained to his friends. "Madeline this is Anna, Blake, Michelle, and Ethan."

"Hi...uh nice to meet you guys..." Then I heard a bunch of comments about me again. I looked at Matt with a helpless expression.

"Guys! Stop! You're being rude. I want you all to try and make an effort to welcome her to the school because we all know what being new feels like."

As he said this his friends looked embarrassed and ashamed.

"I'm sorry..." A blonde hair girl said.

"It's ok," I replied as I sat down on the cool green grass.

Maybe things were going to work here, I thought.

" tell me about yourself what do you like to do?" The blonde girl asked.

I think that was Anna but I wasn't quite sure.

"Uh...I like um...well I sort of like softball. And acting I really enjoy the performing arts and I love filmmaking." I replied.

"Wow your amazing!!!" The guy who called me "hot" yelled with a grin. I'm pretty sure that was Blake.

"So what do you like to do...uh...Anna?" I asked.

"Yep that's me! I model for like a bunch of stores in the mall...uh American Eagle, Abercrombie & Fitch, Express, and Forever 21." She exclaimed happily.

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