Chapter 14

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I tried to focus my eyes, but my vision was so blurred. The pounding in my head was excruciating and I couldn't think straight. I took a deep breath and tried to figure out what was happening. I laid my eyes upon Madeline's house and it all came flooding back to me. My eyes got wide and I felt myself began to shake at the sight of Maddie's open door. I tried to stand but I was extremely disoriented. I pushed myself up again and pushed my legs to walk. The world on front of me was spinning and I fell over once again.

"Maddie! Madeline are you in there! Madeline! HELP! Help anyone!" I shouted.

I began to panic from how disoriented I was and out of fear of where Maddie was. I looked around frantically in hope of any people who were awake. No one.

"PLEASE! Someone! Can you hear me I need help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Suddenly I saw a house light turn on and I screamed louder than I'd ever screamed before.

"PLEASE!" I yelled.

A middle aged lady walked out of her house in a robe and looked around, obviously worried.

"Hey! Hey! Over here! Please help! Call 911!" I shouted.

I suddenly saw the lady slap her hand over her mouth and her eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh! Hold on hold on I'll call someone!" She shouted back as her face began to get pale and look squeamish.

I glanced down and saw what was making her disgusted. I had blood all over my hands from my head injury and there was a puddle of blood on the ground where I was laying. I put my face in my hands and squeezed my eyes shut.

This can't be happening! This isn't real, its not real, it can't be. I thought.

I opened my eyes again and saw black spots in my vision. The black spots slowly closed in on my vision and I felt extremely dizzy. I was going to pass out. I blinked my eyes in attempt to cease this feeling, but there was no avoiding it. I felt my limbs become weak and then it happened. I lost consciousness.


I awoke in a hospital room and saw my mom and dad sitting next to the bed.

"What happened?" I asked their tear stained faces.

"Sweetie you hit your head really badly. And Maddie..." Her voice trailed off.

"What about Maddie? Is she okay?" I asked.

I got no response and my mom wouldn't look at me.

"Mom! Whats wrong with Maddie? Where is she? Mom! Mom answer me!" I yelled.

"She...they can't find her, honey. Investigators think she was, um, kidnapped."

My stomach dropped at the word kidnapped. I felt complete despair and guilt. I was supposed to protect her. I clenched my fists and pounded my hand into the bed beneath me. I lost my temper and bolted upright. I felt the anger and determination build in me. I needed to find her. The thought of my loving, beautiful girlfriend getting kidnapped was too much for me to handle. I couldn't help but imagine the worst of what might be happening to her.

"Are they looking for her?"  I asked.

"They've been looking for four hours honey," My mom replied.

I clenched my teeth and just couldn't except the fact that she was...gone.

"No! No! She's too important to me! I'm in love with her mom! I have never felt this way about anyone else in my whole life and now she's gone! I can't live without her!" I shouted at my mom. "I don't know who I am without her..." I said in a half whispered voice.

"When do I get out of here?" I asked my mom.

"Honey their keeping you here overnight to observe your injury. You got hit pretty hard by a huge object. Doctors think it was a rock and it's, it's amazing that your alive."

"Overnight! How am I just supposed to sit here overnight while the love of my life is being tortured by someone! I can't just sit here mom! I need to help search for her!" I yelled.

"Matt, honey, you can't search for Madeline. You need to leave that up to the detectives and search and rescue parties. It's too dangerous for you to look for her."

"Too dangerous for me!? I cannot believe you just said those words! I don't give a crap about the stupid danger aspect of this, I care about her! I will do whatever it takes to find her!" I exclaimed. I had a burning urge to rip out the IV's and walk right out of that hospital.

"I, uh, I'm gonna get a nurse," My mom is told me as she walked out of the room.

I looked at my dad. He obviously at agreed with my mom, but I refused to take no for an answer. I wouldn't stop until I found her or until someone found her. The thought of me going back to school and living a normal life without knowing if she was safe made me sick. I couldn't let it sink in that I may never see her again. I couldn't think that way. I loved her unconditionally and I would never let anything get in the way of what magical and intense feelings we shared toward each other.

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