Chapter 6

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"The gazebo?" I asked.

He wanted to take me to the gazebo on 9th street? That can't be a coincidence! I thought.

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that place or something?"

"Yes I do and I don't want to go there. I actually just want to go home," I replied.

He stepped toward me and grabbed my arm. I tried to tug out of his grip but he held on. I began to panic. His mom was standing right there. Was she part of this sick joke too?

"Let go now!" I demanded.

He released his grip and I stepped back and put a few feet distance in between us.

"I knew there was something going on with you!! You have gone through something! Why won't you just talk to me Madeline?" He yelled.

"What? Is this what this whole thing is about? Finding out my life story? It all makes sense now! You had to make me explain myself at dinner time! Why are you guys doing this to me?" I asked frantically.

"Mom can you uh leave us alone for a second and let us talk?" As he said as his mom nodded and walked away. Then his gaze turned to me.

"You have got to be kidding me Matt! I don't understand why you can't just trust me! I said nothing was going on!" I yelled.

"Madeline don't get mad here I'm only trying I make sure your okay! I want to know that your safe!"

"Safe? Safe from what? What can you possibly think is going on with me?"

"Madeline I have no clue but I needed to find out!"

I stared at him for a minute. How could he dig into my life and try to find out my personal feelings and problems? I began to tear up.

"What gives you the right to snoop in my personal life! If there was something going on that concerned you, I would tell you in a heartbeat Matt!"

"Just be straight with me then! Tell me what's going on!"

"Why do you need to know?" I said as I tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"Because I care about you! Please Madeline I understand it might be hard-"

"STOP!!! JUST STOP!!! You want to know my life story huh? Well fine! When I was a young girl, about 12, I lived in a terrible neighborhood and some guy broke in and tied me to a chair and robbed my house. I was home alone. THAT WAS PRETTY SCARY! It's behind me now and I didn't think that I needed to tell you! Then I was a teenager and my mom was in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend! BUT THATS BEHIND ME! And someone is sending me creepy notes and told them to meet me at the gazebo on 9th street alone! Okay so yes I've had hard times in my life but doesn't everyone? I don't want to talk about my childhood okay I did have good years too and those are the ones I want to remember! Okay? Okay? Are you happy now?"

I stared at Matt and frantically searched his face for a hint of understanding. He looked like he was about to cry. I started to break down even more and he ran up to me and engulfed me in a comforting hug. He stroked my long hair and wiped the tears from my cheeks. He put his hand on my shoulders and looked at me.

"I'm sorry Madeline. I didn't need to know this. I just feel like you were jumpy and I was concerned that it was something I was doing. I understand now and I'm sorry Madeline. I'm here for you if you need me I just need you to know that," He replied.

My suspicions for him being guilty of sending me those strange messages went away. Matt wouldn't do something like this to me. He was absolutely the most caring and understanding boyfriend I'd ever had.

"I'm in love with you Madeline. Nothing can change that. From now on talk to me when you want to okay? I'm sorry I pushed you. Now why don't we go someplace and finish this night off on a good note?"

I nodded and walked forward as Matt placed his arm on my shoulder and guided me to the car where we met his mom, waiting patiently. We drove off to eat dessert far away from the gazebo on 9th street and had a wonderful time. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders as soon as my suspicions ceased. I feel like Matt felt the same way now that he knew my backstory. After dessert he dropped me off at my house. I needed to get ready for school tomorrow. We had stayed out until 11 pm and my eyelids felt heavy as I walked into my home. I dropped my shoes at the door and walked up the stairs to my bedroom to drift off into sleep once again.

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