Chapter 5

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"She must've had something traumatic happen to her! She just won't talk to me!" I exclaimed.

"Hey hey Matt just give her time you've only been dating now for a month, traumatized people don't always want to talk!" My mom exclaimed.

"Mom, I know but honestly she's so jumpy she needs to explain herself!"

"Ok my words of advice, don't push her to tell you something."

"I wasn't planning on it. She just seems so jumpy all the time and I want to know what's wrong," I replied.

"Well honey why don't we go out to dinner with Madeline and we will get to know her. I don't know her that well and I would like to see what she's like. Maybe then we can bring the subject up."

"Okay I'll go call her," I said as I ran upstairs to grab my phone.

I grabbed my black iPhone and pressed it to my ear once dialing her number. I was greeted by her captivating soft voice that I loved.

"Hey Madeline do you want to grab a bite to eat with me and my mom? She wants to get to know you better," I asked.

"Sure what time?" She replied.

She said yes! I had a plan to get whatever she's hiding out of her.

I told her all the information and later met her at our favorite dinner place, Panettrie's. I watched her long beautiful figure take a seat in the comfy booth and look up at me with those beautiful blue-gray eyes.

"Madeline you are beautiful," I said with a smile.

She looked up at me and gave a half smile as she looked away and unfolded her napkin to place it on her lap.

After about thirty amazing minutes of getting to know my girlfriend better, I decided to bring up the touchy subject.

"So Madeline why don't you tell us your story. Like what have you done in your life, gone through, are going through..."

Madeline stared up at me and looked at my mom and I, both of us looking at her and waiting for an answer.

"I uh well okay um when I was young I uh went to a nice preschool and elementary school and middle school and then I came here and I love it! Thanks for making me feel very welcomed!"

She answered the question, but in the most simplified way possible. I was slightly annoyed that she wouldn't open up about her past.

"Is that all your going to tell us? Come on get deeper other than the schools you went to we want to know about your life!" My mom said as she shook her arm.

"Oh uh well I've had a good life and wonderful family and I like filmmaking and the performing arts. Sometimes I sing on my free time but I don't think I'm really that good at it," She replied with a laugh.

Her simplified versions of her life stories were getting on my nerves and I almost said something that I would've regretted but I caught myself. I shouldn't mess up a new relationship that I loved so much. I sighed, leaned back in my chair, and decided to just let it go. If she did go through something, it must not be the time for her to talk about it. There was also a possibility that she hasn't been through a thing and I am making false assumptions. I just decided to leave it alone.

"Okay so should we stop for dessert?" I asked to break the awkward silence.

"Sure," Madeline replied.

We stood up after paying our bill and walked downtown and talked. It was a fun night overall. I feel like my mom was able to get to know her very well and I felt satisfied with how the night went. I did not necessarily get the information I was hoping for, but if I ignored that, it was an amazing time spent with my loving and amazing girlfriend.

"How about we go to the French bakery on 9th street?" I asked. "It's by that old gazebo."

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