Chapter 4

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"I will get you tonight. This is your warning."

I awoke with a jolt. Oh my gosh that was a weird dream, I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath and ran my hands through my hair. I had been having these weird nightmares that were very vague every single night since I got that note over face time.

I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 7:30. "7:30! Oh my gosh I overslept!"

I frantically rushed to my closet and threw on my favorite skinny jeans and a sweatshirt.

School started at 7:50 so I really had to get moving. I rushed to the bathroom and threw my long hair into a messy bun, brushed my teeth, grabbed my backpack, and rushed out the door.

Suddenly I realized it was the day that I walk to school. My mom had to go to work early on Monday's, so I always had to walk. Now I knew I'd be late. I walked down Ingal street and turned left. My pace was at a slow jog because I honestly didn't feel like running so early in the morning.

After about 10 minutes I checked the time on my phone. As I pulled it out, I tripped over one of the elevated cracks in the uneven sidewalk and smacked my chin on the ground.

"AHHHHH OWW OWW!!!" I said through tears.

I felt my chin and when I pulled my hand back I saw blood.

"Great, this is just what I need today!" I yelled out in frustration.

I slowly stood back up and began walking to my school. It was a foggy day and I could barely see what was ahead.


When I finally made it to school everything was quiet. I figured everyone had already gone into class but when I tried to open the classroom door, it was locked. I tried knocking but then realized that the lights were off.

What?! I thought. Suddenly it hit me. It was a three day weekend. I went through all that to get to school and realize that I didn't need to be there in the first place. I started to tear up, one because my chin was bleeding and hurting, and two because it was freezing and now I had to walk all the way home.

I pulled out my phone and called Matt.

"Hey Maddie! What are you up to?" he asked.

"I-I thought I slept in so I ran to school and tripped and smacked my chin and it really hurts and I got to school and realized that is was a three day weekend and I'm really having a bad day, can you pick me up please?"

"Oh my gosh Maddie, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just want to be someplace warm and I don't feel like walking home."

"Okay, of course, I'm coming," he replied.

I sat on the cold blue bench waiting for Matt's car. It was freezing and my fingers were numb. I curled up in my sweatshirt that I was wearing and closed my eyes. I was tired since I had woken up so abruptly. I fell asleep.

"Come on! Get up COME WITH ME!"



"No!! Help!" I screamed in terror. "Someone help me!!! Please! Anyone help!" I called out as I ran down the street. Suddenly a fist met my face and I blacked out.

"AH!" I yelled as I woke up from my nap on the bench. I took deep breaths to calm my racing pulse.

It was just a dream, it was just a dream, it was just a dream. I thought as I placed my hand over my heart and felt my pulse slow. Another one of those dreams! They had been happening so often and I was starting to get creeped out. Nothing creepy was happening in reality, but it was as if I was living in a horror movie in my dreams.

I saw Matt's car pull up and I ran to it in relief. I did not want to be alone after that dream.

"Hey! Oh my goodness, your chin, it's really bleeding Maddie!" Matt explained as he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer so he could inspect my chin.

I had completely forgotten about my injury. I suddenly felt a pang of pain coming from my chin.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"Maddie, come on, let's get you to the doctor," he said.

"What?" talking suddenly really hurt and I realized my injury might be worse than I thought.

I got into Matt's car and pulled down the car visor to look in the mirror to see the damage that was done. When I looked in the mirror I saw a bloody, black and blue bruised wound.

"Oh gosh" I said as my eyes widened at the gross sight.


Turns out, my injury only needed a few stitches. It looked much worse than it turned out to be.

"Luckily, it was nothing serious! I was worried when you got into the car!" Matt exclaimed.

"I know, I didn't realize it looked that bad, sorry," I replied.

"Alright, do you want me to take you back to your house now?" he asked.

"Uh, sorry to sort of invite myself over but could we go back to your house? My mom works today and I don't feel comfortable being home alone."

"Um, sure." With that he drove in the direction of his house.

For most of the car ride, we were silent. It was an awkward silence and I felt like something was wrong.

"A-are you ok? You're not really talking to me right now," I said.

"Um, well I don't know. I just don't know how to ask this but I'm just gonna ask. Uh, have you gone through some traumatic experience or something?" he asked.

I looked at him. I was confused on why he was asking this. Why did he care?

"Uh, why..."

"Because your always really jumpy and you don't want to be alone. I mean you could just be alert and cautious, but I'm just wondering because you can tell me if something is bothering you," he said.


Should I tell him about what was happening with my dreams and the creepy notes and texts? No he might call the police and it's probably just me overreacting again. I thought.

"No, um, I haven't gone through anything," I said with a smile.

"Ok, but just know that you can talk to me, Madeline. I can help you."

I can help you? Did he know? Was he the person doing this to me? He seems pretty convinced that I was going through something. I had suspected him in the first place...what if it was- I pushed the thought out of my head.

No Madeline he's your boyfriend, he's perfect and loyal, not the creepy stalker. I thought.

Although I tried to push the thought out of my head, there was something telling me that there was something suspicious about Matt.

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