Chapter 11

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I thought quickly. I guessed that the person who sent me the text was the person who threw the brick through the window. That thought gave me even more adrenaline because I began to fear for my life. I looked around frantically for a public place. I probably had about thirty seconds left until...something. I actually wasn't sure what was going to happen to me after the 60 seconds was up and I got the chills just thinking about it. The only place there was for me to go that was public was the freeway. I couldn't make it anywhere else in time. I quickly devised a plan in my mind. I had to time this correctly. There wasn't much traffic on the road and I felt lucky that the roads were light today. I had to take the chance. I scaled the small railing blocking the land from the roadways. I quickly glanced behind me and saw a small box rolling down the hill behind me.

What is that? I thought. I had no idea, however I had a feeling it was from the person that was chasing me. I jumped onto the roadway when there was a decent sized gap and immediately regretted it as I saw cars slam on their breaks for me. I cringed as I realized I was going to be hit. I saw the car skidding toward me and I couldn't get my body to pull itself out of the way. The car slid right up to me and I braced myself for the incoming impact. The car stopped inches away from my body. I was paralyzed in fear. I let out a breath of relief after I realized I was okay. Thank goodness for the light traffic or else I would be dead. The car that was behind the car that almost hit me was far enough away to realize that they had to stop. I got unbelievably lucky. I suddenly laid my eyes upon the girl that got out of the car. It was Taylor.


Suddenly my mind began working again. Whoever it was was probably still chasing me and I needed-


I opened my eyes a few minutes later and discovered I was covered in ash. I tried to breathe but my throat and nose felt clogged. I looked around and saw the hill I had just come off of beginning to become engulfed in flames. I saw some cars that were near the hill that were on fire. I saw people running away. Taylor lay motionless beside me. All I could hear was loud ringing. I saw red lights in the distance. I began to become dizzy and gasped for air. I crawled to the side of the freeway and grabbed onto the metal railing. I pushed myself up and tried to walk but my legs felt weak and shaky. I collapsed. My brain wasn't working right. I couldn't perceive what was going on and I was extremely disoriented and confused. It felt like I had a towel over my nose and mouth and I had to take huge gulps in order to breathe a little bit. The road that I was laying on began to spin and I passed out.


I awoke to the beeping of the hospital heart monitor. I opened my eyes and the room was blurry. I looked down at my arms and saw that they were wrapped in bloodstained gauge and bandages. The memories suddenly came flooding back. I sat up in a panic just as a nurse rushed in.

"Sweetie, lay down!"

I quickly lay back onto the stiff hospital bed.

"I don't know what you remember but there was an accident."

"All I remember is waking up and seeing a bunch of stuff on fire and it felt like I couldn't breathe."

"Yes there was an explosion."

Explosion? I suddenly remembered seeing a small box rolling down the hill.

"Was it the box? The one that was rolling down the hill?"

The nurse looked confused and then told me to go to sleep. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep with my mind racing.

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