Chap 20. Australian Tour

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After I get to know Cal's family, he helped me with my bags and let me stay in his room.

"Your family is nice Cal, I really enjoyed their company. Especially your sister"

"She's just happy that there's a girl that she can hangout with everything"I chuckled.

"Cal, why don't show Agatha around?" Mum Joy said

"Ohhh, you'll love it here future sis" Mali said

"Oh my god, Mali. Please stop calling her that" Cal said embarrassed.

"C'mon Cal, she's my future sister so I'll call her that"

"Its embarrasing" Mali laughed

"No its not! I actually love it. Why am I saying this in my mind.

"Let's just go, Agatha" Cal dragged me outside

"I'm sorry about my sister, she's just excited" I laughed

"Its fine Cal, she's cool actually plus she's beautiful"

"But you're beautiful too"

Beautiful? Wow, a word that I heard from him. He's probably lying. He's just saying that.

"And I'm not saying it because were friends, I'm saying it because itstrue"

How did he heard my thoughts? HE CAN READ MINDS?

"I'll give you a tour of this place first" we went to the park and I took pictures of the children playing. We even tried the swing.

He also showed me some places where I can buy stuffs or I can go to. We also went to the place near the Opera House and yeah, it reminded me of Finding Nemo.

"Wow! This place, I can't believe I'm here now. I've only seen this in the movies" I grabbed my cellphone and took a selfie.

"Let's take picture together" he said then asked someone to take pictures and we captured a lot.

"That's enough Cal, we have lots of pictures" I chuckled.

"Please, just one last picture" He pouted

He pouted!! Damn it, he's sooooo adorable!

"Fine"I already smiled for the camera when something unexpected happen.Once, the man pressed the button. HE KISSED ME!


A/N: Oh, I almost forgot. I already wrote this in word that's why I update it so fast. But I edited some of it :)

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