Chap 27. My Love

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Ashton searched for Agatha everywhere. He went to the beach where he left her, and he saw someone so he ran to see who it is. He was surprised to see her.

"What happened to you?"

" I tripped and I can't stand" I sniffed

"I'll bring you to the hospital and call everyone when we get there. Don't cry." He carried her and brought her to hospital.

He called Calum and on the first ring he answered

"Did you find her?"

"Yeah" He sighed of relief

"Well, bring her here"

"Uhm, Cal, we're in the hospital"

"WHAT?! Why? What happened? Is she alright?"

"Yeah, she's alright...I think"

"What happened?"

"Its better if you go here, so I can explain properly"

"I'll go there"

"Okay, I'll text you where's hospital that we are"


"Bye Ash"

(Calum's POV)

"So what's the news?"

"Agatha'sin the hospital"

"What happened? Joy asked

"I don't know, Ash will probably say it when we got there"

"Then let's go" Bella said

We reached the hospital and I ran out of my car to look for Ash.

"Cal" I heard 

"What happened?"

"Well,I found her in the beach. She was lying in the sand crying in pain. Ibrought here because her foot is swollen"

"Thanks Ash for bringing her here"

"No problem cal, what are friends are for" We hugged each other

"Who's Calum Hood?"

"That's me"

"She's okay now. It was just a minor injury, you may take her home" the doctor left and she went out of the room, with a cast and crutches. Iran to her and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry baby. I didn't notice that you're gone"

"It's okay cal. Good thing Ash found me" she smiled at me

She walked while Bella and Joy talking to her. We followed them and went out of the hospital. I ran to her and carried her to my car.

"Wait Cal" I placed her down then she went to Ash and kissed his cheek."Thank you"

"Hey, its okay" He ruffles her hair then she went back so we can go home.

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