Chap 40. Girlfriend and Father

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(Michael's POV)

We are mad at Cal for what he did. He knew that this is all new to Agatha yet he stil did it. Me and Luke almost caused a fight with him but our girlfriend stopped us for it will not help the situation. Ashton still updated us about her, It's been three days since he last updated us and we are here now at 5SOS Home. The tension can be felt but then Cal spoke

"Guys, I need to tell you something"


"I know you're all mad at me for what I did but I can explain every detail"

"Okay, fine" Luke said

"Honestly, this all started after her brother's visit then she got a job. I was planning something for our anniversary, I'm so stressed. I can't come up with something so I stopped at a bar to have a drink, then someone talk to me but I don't want to be rude so I talked to her then after that I continued to drink. She didn't stop getting my attention but I tried ignoring her then I don't know what happened afted that. I just woke up in someone's house then I sneaked out and went home"

"Cal, why?" Bella asked

"I promise, she's on my mind that time especially when I woke up and this causes our fight. I don't know what to do"

"Cal, don't you think we'll help you" Ashton said

"I just don't want to ruin the surprise"

"Don't you trust us?" Joy asked

"I'm sorry guys"

"We forgive you, Cal" I said


"You're our friend"

"Thank you guys"

Suddenly, Joy asked about her whereabouts and it gave us confusion. We all know that she stayed at Ash's house but then she isn't there.

"No, she went home....with Finn. She went back to the Philippines"

We were surprised with the news. How come no one told us?

"Guys, I need your help" Calum gave us a paper

"What's this?" Luke asked

"I was planning to sing it to her, to get her back"

"When You Look Me In The Eyes" Ash reads the title

It was a song from Jonas Brothers which is perfect for his situation right now.


"That's not ours but we'll help you" I said

We practiced the song for two days then we traveled to the Philippines. We went straight to her house and positioned ourselves. As soon as Luke started singing, she went out and watched us. When we finished, they walked in the middle and hugged each other and Ash took a picture. It was fun, everything's alright now and I also played video game with Finn.

Agatha's parents dropped them at the airport. They said their goodbyes to them and since Finn has work, he wasn't able to join. They entered the airport and waited for their flight. Once their flight was called, they entered the gate and sat down.



"Can we go to our when we landed? My mum texted me that dad returned from traveling"

"Yeah sure, i missed them though"

"They missed you too, baby and this is the first time that my dad will you meet you in person"


"Don't be nervous, baby. He'll love you" Agatha smiled.

Once they landed at Australia, they prepared to go out. They went their separate ways and Calum hailed a cab. They both carried their bags to the trunk and rode a cab to his home.

"Here, keep the change"

They unload their luggage and walked towards the front door.

"Are you ready baby?

"I guess so"

"It's going to be okay, my dad will like you" He intertwined their fingers and knocked.

"Calum my son, you're home"

"Hi dad"

"Come in"

"Hey Cal"

"Hi Mali"

"Agatha?" Agatha smiled

"Mum! She's here" Mum Joy walked out of the kitchen

"Agatha? You came back" She hugged Agatha

"H-hi Mrs. Hood" she hugged back and Calum coughs

"I'm your son" they pulled away from the hug

"We'll just go to my room" Calum dragged Agatha to his room.

"I'm sorry about them"

"It's okay. It's like meeting them for the first time" Agatha chuckled

Calum smiled "I told they missed you alot"

"Yeah they did"

"We better go downstairs, dad probably want to talk"


"Yes dad?"

"Let's talk" Agatha nodded

"I'll help your mom" Calum went to the living room

"Is she the girl that your mom is telling me?"

"Yes dad, that's her"

"She seems kind"

"Yes she is, she also gave me a lot of things and did some things for me and the guys"

"How long are you two dating?"

"A year"

"I'd like to meet her" Calum called her from the kitchen and she excused herself.


"Dad wanted to meet you"

"Dad, this is Agatha. Agatha this is my dad, David Hood"

"Good evening Mr. Hood, nice to meet you" Agatha offered her hand but he hugged her instead.

"It's nice to meet you too, Agatha"

That was unexpected.

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