Chap 26. Caught In The Act

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We were walking when I heard some screams and saw some camera flashes.

"Babe, we better prepare"

"For what?"

"To run"

"Wait, what?"

"Yes, cause they're here"


"The paparazzi and the fans. So let's go" then he ran off and I chased him.

This time I'm ready to run
Escape from the city and follow the sun
'Cause I wanna be yours, don't you wanna be mine?
I don't wanna get lost in the dark of the night
This time I'm ready to run
Wherever you are is the place I belong
'Cause I wanna be free, and I wanna be young
I will never look back now I'm ready to run
I'm ready to run

I had to admit that he's so fast and what kind of people who took pictures at night? Are they trying to haunt a ghost or what?Suddenly, I tripped and fell on the sand.

(Ashton's POV)

I saw Calum running towards the cabin but Agatha is nowhere in sight. He banged on the door like he seen a ghost.

"GUYS!!! OPEN THE DOOR!!" Luke opened the door and he entered in a hurry and pushed the door.

"What happened?" Luke asked him

"We got mobbed by paps and fans" he heavily breathes

"Where's Agatha?" I asked

"She's-uh, she was just behind me a while ago"


"I thought she was following me okay?"

"If something happens to her, I'm gonna kill you"

"Woah, calm down Ash. You're not her brother"

Yeah, I'm not but I'm her friend" I stood up and went out.

"If something happens to Agatha, I'm gonna kill you" Joy said

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