Chap 24. Announcement

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Cal sent a message to everyone to go to the 5SOS House because its"important". Cal and Agatha went to the 5SOS House fast to make sure that they find them there.

"So, we wait for them?" Agatha asked.


"Cal, I don't know why, but I feel nervous"

"Hey hey, don't be nervous okay. I'm here" He gave her a peck to calm her down.

Everyone arrived and they entered suddenly and sat down on the couch.

"So what's this important thing?"

"I have to say something to you guys"

"What is it?"

"Me and Agatha are..." He placed his hands on Agatha's waist "We are dating".

"You mean those tweet you said about your're talking about Agatha?" Luke asked

"Yes and the picture of me kissing her. That's the day she became mine"They all cheered and teased the two of them.

It took a while before they process what happened, but suddenly Michael yelled

"Group Hug!!!!" They all laughed

Calum and Agatha felt relief that everyone 

"Let's celebrate guys. Let's go for a swim"

"Sure sure"

They all went to the beach and good thing that isn't crowded. Everyone jumped on the water, played ball games and decided to spend the night there. Calum also confirmed that day to the public about him and Agatha.

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